The Waverider

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Saying goodbye to the team was... horrible. Everyone, including herself were crying by the end and both Fitz and Simmons, as well as their daughter, Alya, hadn't let her out of their sights for even a moment all day. The others had been more discreet, but Skye saw the sad looks on their faces.

They agreed May would drive Skye to Starling City, if only to prevent her from getting another speeding ticket or arrested. There was also the fact that May could have some time alone with her rookie before they didn't see each other again for a while.

"I'll miss you." May said as they got out of the car a few blocks away from the meeting place. They didn't want HYDRA following them straight to a time ship now, did they?

"I'll miss you too." Skye replied, brining May into a rare hug. May clung back instead of just standing there like she usually did and kissed the girls forehead as they parted.

"Go change the world xiǎo jiāhuo." Little one. May told her gently, the nickname slipping out of her mouth without a thought. Perhaps it was stupid, but Skye was still a teenager and May had been there for her through everything.

"I will... Māmā." May froze, surprised, but eventually smiled and cupped Skye's cheek in her hand.

"Wǒ ài nǐ." I love you. She told her, not surprised when shock made its way across Skye's face. May doubted anyone had ever told her that before.

"Wǒ yě ài nǐ." I love you too. May smiled, kissing her forehead again before handing Skye her duffel bag. There wasn't much in it, a few pairs of clothes, her laptop and a few personal items: photos, van keys, hula doll ect.

"Now go. I'll be waiting to see how far you've improved in your training once you get back." Skye gave her mother a sad smile and turned down the street, walking towards the meeting place.

Tears streamed down her face as she went, though she quickly wiped them away the closer she got and steeled herself. She could do this. Her team would be fine. They'd be there when she got back. This wasn't forever.

"Professor! This is the place." Buzz cut said as she arrived, gesturing to the old man, who Skye assumed was the professor. She should've researched her new team before she go here, shouldn't she?

"I think we're being punked. Do people still say "punked"?" Rich guy asked, his tone curious.

"No." Fur coat told him bluntly. Skye decided she liked her. She was like Bobbi in a way.

"I see your buddy threw himself a going-away party." Skye smirked, gesturing to the boy her age, who was passed out in the back of the professors car.

"Yes, I believe he drank something that didn't quite agree with him." The professor replied, not sounding entirely convinced. He'd obviously drugged him. The boy hadn't wanted to come the night before.

"You don't look too happy to be here." Buzz cut told lady cosplayer, who was now dressed in normal clothes. She did look slightly annoyed. Skye thought that maybe that was because her partner had forced her to come.

"Perceptive." She replied, glaring at the man in question.

"Well, I see you've all decided to come." Trench coat announced his presence. He sounded awfully relived in Skye's opinion. "Well then, we can be on our way." He turned and walked towards the lake a few meters away before being stopped by buzz cuts voice.

"I ain't footing it anywhere." He said, his feet firmly planted on the ground.

"A Time Master's sacred charge is to do no harm to the timeline." Trench coat said as if it was obvious. Excuse them for not knowing everything there was to know about time travel right off the bat. They hadn't known it was possible until yesterday. Still didn't until they were in a different time. "Can you imagine what a timeship would look like in, say, Victorian England?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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