Rit... Or Rep... Rip. That Was It

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Skye waved her ID badge in front of the camera outside the base and sighed. The heavy, metal doors opened shortly after with nothing more than a small creak and she walked in, ignoring the states from some of the newer Agents. She'd been tough on her rookies lately and become somewhat of a celebrity around the base. She hated it, of course, but only complained to her friends about it.

"Skye!" Simmons yelled, running up to her and hugging her so tightly, Skye almost forgot how to breath. "We thought the Watchdogs had taken you, we were so worried!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Skye assured her, attempting to pull away from the hug, only to be pulled in further. "You'll never guess what happened while I was gone, though."

"What?" Fitz asked, standing a few feet away, knowing that Skye hated being crowded by too many people at once.

"Some nut job in a trench coat kidnapped me and said he was from the future." Skye told them, laughing at Fitzsimmons's interested looks. "Look, the guy was crazy. Said some dude named Randall Savage or whatever is going to destroy the world 150 years in the future."

"He could be telling the truth." Simmons suggested, frowning at how specific it all sounded. No one could've made that up, and it didn't really sound like the guy was having a psychotic break no matter how much her friend said he was crazy.

"Your kidding, right?" Skye asked, her tone teasing, though she knew Simmons was making an actual suggestion.

"What else did he say?" She asked, wanting to know everything so that she could make an estimation on whether or not this man, whoever he was, was telling the truth.

"Said his name was Rit... or Rep... Rip. That was it. These two people dressed up as hawks seemed to know what he was talking about, but no one else did. He was lying about something though, I just don't know what." Skye explained, trying not to leave anything out. "He showed us this thing... I don't know what it was, but the sky turned red and the city looked like a war zone. People were screaming and injured, it was horrible."

Despite what her rookies said, Skye did feel, very deeply, even if most of the time she covered it up with humour. This was getting to her, both scientist could tell.

"Do you think this Randall guy could be a threat if he even exists?" Bobbi asked, popping up from nowhere and giving her friend and small hug, before stepping back again, unlike Simmons, who was still practically attached to Skye's hip. They weren't best friends for nothing, y'know.

"I mean, sure. But the others seemed like they could handle it just fine. What would they need me for?" Skye asked, waving her friend off. She was no hero and there was no way in hell she was leaving SHIELD to join some weird group with a stupid name.

"Your powers are pretty useful, love." Hunter said, joining them and wrapping his arm around Bobbi's waist.

"All the more reason for me to stay." Skye huffed, leaning back against the wall and resting her head on Jemma's shoulder. She was exhausted and really didn't want to think or talk about nut jobs in tech coats anymore.

"You could be a hero, Skye." Fitz said, knowing that his friend struggled with self-doubt and feeling like she wasn't good enough all the time. It would be good for her self esteem.

"And if it turns out to be a hoax and trench coat's luring us into a trap. Then what?" Skye asked, her mind racing with possible scenarios. All of them ended up with her returning to SHIELD in a few weeks or dead.

"Then you'll beat his ass up." Bobbi replied, the smirk of her face telling Skye that the older woman was proud of her and she had enough confidence in her to not get killed by a possible psycho.

"Fine. I'll give it a go."

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