He knew that Sugawara saw the little things and that was a wonderful skill to have in life.


It was late when they'd gotten the gym cleaned up, late enough that Daichi had gotten fed up with them and had thrown the keys at Sugawara, yelling about some test he needed to study for. Tanaka had abandoned them the second Suga had let him go, and the other 2nd years had followed suit, leaving only Shiro and Sugawara to clean up.

Leaving the Vice-Captain, and the blind manager to clean a gym.

Shiro truly hated other people.

He was doing what he could; he wanted desperately to help Sugawara finish cleaning up, but he was basically reduced to grunt work due to being the stronger of the two of them, and being blind. He wanted to help, but there was nothing he could do anymore.

Shiro was now sitting by the door, trying to go through a mental checklist of everything he'd taken to school with him today, while Sugawara did the last dry mop across the gym floor. It was quiet and peaceful, and it was great, but nothing can stay forever.

"C'mon Shiro," Sugawara said softly, helping the taller male off the floor, "I'm done for the night so we can go home." Said male nodded, letting Sugawara pull him up off the floor before pulling his hoodie back on, school blazer shoved into his bag once more.

One of Sugawara's hands found its way to Shiro's back, gently guiding him along in the dark, while the other was occupied by his phone where he was texting his parents. They weren't home at the moment, on some business trip or something, but he liked to keep them updated in his life.

Shiro was patient and quiet while Sugawara finished the text, while the grey-haired male made sure he had everything he'd taken with him to school, and didn't say a word while he waited outside in the cold for Suga to lock up the gym. It was a nice and comfortable silence, something Shiro was thankful for.

Once the gym was locked up one of Suga's hands found it's way back to Shiro's lower back, more out of a habit he'd acquired in the short time they'd known each other than anything else.

Shiro didn't say anything about, but he enjoyed the warmth nonetheless.

The two of them walked in silence, both tired from long days of school and the morning practice fiasco, then normal practice after school. As they walked Suga's hand wandered absently, moving up then back down to its original position, then off to the side so he could link arms with Shiro like he'd done earlier that day during lunch.

Shiro, who was used to being touched by only Shoyo, Natsu, and Emica, found himself freezing a bit. He wasn't used to being touched by others; most people avoided him due to his height or his general demeanor, he seemed unapproachable at best to some, and yet the silver-haired male was doing this unconsciously.

The black-haired male felt his face heating up in the cold night.

"Oh?" Sugawara questioned softly, slowing himself and Shiro down as Hinata and Kageyama came into view. "They're still practicing?"

The two first years were arguing, Kageyama doing basic hits down to Hinata to imitate a spike, but Hinata's receiving was still not the best so the ball went in a random direction more often than not.

The two of them stood there for a moment or two, Suga watching as the ball went haywire and Hinata went running after it, the pattern continuing on and on.

"What time is it?" Shiro asked softly, his hands shoved into his pockets, forcing the two of them to stand hip to hip. "Uhm," Suga said eloquently, "late." The taller of the two sighed, leaning over so his head was propped up on Suga's. "I should get going," he said softly with another sigh. Suga tried to form a response but instead could only bring himself to blush and hum.

I'm Blind, Not GlassHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin