"That's all sir," I said before squeezing the file to my chest and scurrying out of his office.

"When you're done with those files, bring them to me." He said from behind me in a husky tone and I just nodded.

Once I was in my office I stood against the door with my hand on my chest. Great, he made my panties go to shit, this man has a dangerous effect on me.

As the day passed I waited for everyone to leave the office before going to Mr Valentino's office. I knocked at his door but he didn't answer so I opened the door.

I slowly walked inside and placed the file on his desk hoping not to run into him. I heard the door cracking open behind me and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Gibbs." He said in a smooth voice.

"I was just leaving," I said softly and he stood in front of me. He ran his fingers against the skin on my bare arms. He removed my hair from my neck once more and squatted till he was at eye level with me.

"Goodnight." He whispered into my ear. His minty breath and cologne intoxicated me, so I just nodded at him.

"Goodnight, sir," I said softly before slipping out of his office. He seemed to restrain himself because his hand was tightly gripping his desk until his knuckles had turned white.

I took an Uber ride home, and once I got there I walked straight into my house. Dom was sitting on the couch with sprawled-out limbs while Parker was rummaging through our refrigerator, River was standing with a beer in his hand while watching me. I groaned at them before I started cleaning up the mess they made.

"It's like I'm constantly surrounded by animals!" I said in an exasperated voice.

"Hey, Joan," Parker said in a teasing voice and I glared at him through narrowed eyes. "How'd the meeting with the don go?" He asked and I exhaled a breath in frustration.

"Normal, he was a dick," I said before rolling my eyes at Parker.

"I see," Parker said slowly.

"I'm going out tonight... To an event, so I'm going to go get ready now. And try not to burn the place down, Parker." I said and he frowned at me.

"Why would I... Never mind." He said before waving me off.

I undressed and slipped out of my wet panties. I took a warm shower to loosen up my tensed muscles.

I stepped out of the shower and dried my body. I slipped into a black dress with a low v-line stopping beneath my breasts, the dress had a dangerously high slip on my perfectly waxed leg. I pulled on some black strap-up heels to go with the dress.

I allowed my black curly hair to fall low behind my back. I did glamorous make-up and grabbed my mask from off my nightstand.

I went downstairs and walked over to Parker who was staring at me with big eyes. I licked the ice cream from his spoon and he shifted in his seat.

"Vanilla, my favorite," I said before slipping past him.

"Fuck." I heard him saying under his breath. We all know I wasn't talking about the ice cream.

"Bye, my little gumdrop," I said before placing a kiss on Dom's cheek. He hugged me tightly and I smiled at him. "Bye River." I winked at him and he did a brief army salute.

"Bye, bunny!" Dom yelled behind me as I slipped out the door. A black car was waiting for me outside my house, the chauffeur that was sent by Vincenzo took my hand in his before gesturing for me to get inside the car.

I finally placed my mask on and sat back in my seat. He drove us to a packed venue, cars were lined up in the driveway but they made way for us to park in the VIP section.

I stepped out of the car before grabbing my purse. And as I walked down the red carpet I felt everyone's eyes resting on me. There were whispers all around me so I confidently made my way over to Vincenzo and Cara.

"She knows Vincenzo." I heard someone whisper. Of course, I know him.

"She must be rich." Another whisper came. No, I'm not.

"I wonder who she's wearing." Dolce & Gabanna, bitch.

"Darling! You made it." Vincenzo said before hugging me, people seemed shocked by this, so I went over to hug Cara who complimented me on my dress.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I said with a smile on my face.

I noticed that everyone in the room was dressed in black and not a single person was without a mask.

The room suddenly went quiet when Louis Valentino came walking through the doors. He was walking straight toward us and I looked at him in adoration only to find that his eyes were already resting on me. I took in a nervous breath once he stopped in front of us.

"Vincenzo Martinez." He said in a smooth voice.

"Louis Valentino." Vincenzo greeted back.

"Cara." Mr. Valentino said before placing a kiss on her hand. His eyes settled on my face and for a minute it felt like he could see right through my mask.

He told Vincenzo something in Italian, who replied to him in the same language. Cara smirked to herself and I frowned. Louis gently took my hand in his and placed a long kiss there leaving tingles behind.

He didn't break eye contact with me he just kept looking at me from head to toe.

"Valentino!" A man yelled from behind him so he turned around to face the man.

"Mi scusi." He said in a sexy voice before striding his long legs away from us. And I felt butterflies in my chest.

"So I need you to do something for me, sweetheart," Vincenzo said and I raised an eyebrow at him. Because I knew it had something to do with Louis Valentino.

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