Pt 1 Ch 1

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Hello! I hope you guys enjoy this story <3


Clay's eyes fluttered beneath his hooded cloak as he took in the beauty before him. "Excuse me, I seem to be lost, I usually take the same path home, but it seems as though I have wandered off in the wrong direction..." Clay shook himself to reality, finally taking in the words the man before him was speaking. No one was foolish enough to come close to his cottage in the woods, everyone knew what lurked there, who lurked there. His eyes scanned the face of the man in front of him, noticing his eyes, which were shut. He spoke softly "Who are you...?" The man smiled at him, a smile so beautiful, so foreign and so very gentle, his heart fluttered as he felt himself immediately smile back "My name is George, I'm a blind man sir, I'm so very sorry to bother you this early in the morning but I was hoping you could escort me back to Kinoko Kingdom, it shouldn't be too far from here I believe" Clay tilted his head softly, morning? It was well into the evening at this point. This man must have been wandering around in confusion for hours. His frown deepened as he took in how disheveled the man really was, his hair messy and his shoes a muddy mess. "Of course I'd be happy to help" he said, without hesitation. George's worried face immediately spread into a smile. Clay felt regret almost immediately, he would not be able to go so close to the kingdom without being recognized. Still, knowing the risk, as soon as he saw the exhaustion clear on the stranger's face, he immediately knew what he had to do.

He held out his hand and took George's soft hand in his. George smiled and grasped his hand a little tighter. "Kind sir what is your name?" He stammered for a second and gave him his real name, not the one the villagers gave him. "'s Clay." George's sweet smile grew "Well, thank you so very much Clay, I owe you whatever you ask of me, who knows what would have become of me if I hadn't heard the violin coming from your house and followed it, thank you for your help" Clay's face warmed, feeling special that the beautiful smile on George's face was for him, he had done something to cause that smile. Along the way Clay nervously asked "When we get to your home... would you like me to prepare you some food? You seem tired" George's face lit up "I couldn't possibly... would you be joining me?" Clay softly muttered "If you would allow me to, then of course."

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