"No no, I'll take you, it's the least I can do for everything you've done. Let's go."

The drive to the movie theatres feels impossibly slow. My mind is racing, yet time goes by in the opposite way. I'll have to say goodbye to everyone. I won't be at school next week since we're leaving Monday, so I'll text the girls tonight.

As for Blake: I'm not going to say anything. I love him too much, saying goodbye will make me want to stay, and he won't want that.

Finally, we arrive. I give mom a kiss on the cheek and reassure her that everything is fine. I'm having trouble believing that myself.

I drag myself to the ticket taker spot, not even bothering to say hi to Amira. She and I had talked a little more, but that's garbage now. Mom informed me that she already talked to Savannah about my job, so I won't have to confront that.

"Hey Dahlia, here's your apron." Ruse zips by throwing me the apron, then heading to concessions. He's a sweet boy, a couple years younger than me.

The apron has my name tag on it, and a few pockets that hold pens and such. It's just another 5 hours here, I can do this.

I scan ticket after ticket, send a few fake ones through the door, and scan some more.

I don't even bother taking a break because I forgot lunch today. And that's genuine. I've been eating better, I just didn't plan to work today or for mom to have that conversation with me.

About 2 hours into my shift, a large group of guys walks in. Fuck, I hate big groups of friends, I get scared they'll make fun of me. Or like, jump me? I don't know, but they make me anxious inside.

They go to the concessions and then head over to me for their tickets. There's like 15 of them, and it takes me a while to scan all of them.

Towards the back of the group, I notice Logan and Elijah. Their eyes go wide when they see me. "Dahlia?" Elijah asks.

"Oh, hi guys." I wave.

"You work here?" Logan questions.

"Yeah, I started not too long ago though." Shrugging, I put my hands out for their tickets. Once they're scanned, I direct them to their theatre. They whisper to each other, but go ahead with the group.

It's pretty quiet in the lobby after the group goes away, so I pull out my phone to check a few things really quick.

There's footsteps approaching, but I just got a text from mom.

mom: i'm so sorry. emerson started throwing up again, i won't be able to pick you up. can a friend take you?

me: it's ok, i'll walk. take care of him pls

mom: nonsense! it's too dark out.

me: fine, aaliyah will take me.

I lied. Aaliyah is busy tonight, so I'll be walking home anyway.


Oh shit, lord take me now. I look up from my phone, eyes meeting with Blake. He's holding a medium popcorn in his hand, the other holds his ticket.

"Blake, hi!" I cough. Oh my god this is so embarrassing. I haven't told any of my friends that I got a job, because they'd talk me out of this. Blake especially hated the idea of my getting a job. He always said that I was stressed out enough, and that this would worsen it.

"What are you doing back there? With a name tag...Dahlia, what the hell?"

I cover the name tag and shrug. "I'm gonna need to scan the ticket." I say.

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