34 | Saturday, August 23rd

507 13 5

I didn't dream last night.

I really only got a few hours sleep, but I didn't dream.

Thank God.

If only I could never dream again.

I pull my knees to my chest on the black leather desk chair in Tony's office, watching Bucky walk over and place a coffee in front of me as I bite down a yawn.

"Thanks, babe."

I need to talk with Fury about the files, and while I didn't want to do it alone, I also didn't want to do it with the entire team, so Steve and Tony lean against a shelving unit beside the desk while Bucky sits next to me.

We're quiet as five tiles with faces appear on a large screen, but only Fury's in the center is familiar.

"Good morning, L/N. I'm sorry to surprise you like this. After review of all notes and surveillance, I needed to involve the World Security Council. Your role at the facility involved the harm of non-American citizens, and therefore is of international concern," Fury explains.

As I look between the two men and women and nod, fingers knotting against my chest.

They introduce themselves, but their names barely register—I think one's called Williams, another Ojeda, but I'm not certain.

"We will be going through the points of interest of the notes found on you as well as the..." the woman on the right drones on, but I no longer hear her words.

Points of interest.

I just nod absently, wanting to get through this without a breakdown.

Fury begins speaking and I snap myself back into focus, listening as he walks us through the different drugs tested on me.

Strength, durability, stamina, healing.

All short-term enhancement.

All successful.

According to Fury, they found samples of the drugs as well as the notes on how they were created during the raid of the facility, and they're hoping they are the only samples, and no one else knows how to make more.

That's wishful thinking though.

"The compound for increased healing was used on you multiple times throughout your stay, and they documented the healing process extensively," the woman on the right speaks again. My stomach drops as a series of bloody images appear on the screen; a time-lapse after what appears to be a particularly bad session with a whip.

Steve lets out a puff of air and I see Bucky's hand flexing where it rests on his lap.

"Is it necessary to show these?" Bucky asks, voice irritated.

"We need to be sure that Ms. L/N is aware of what is being discussed. For legal purposes," the other woman replies. "I'm sorry, I know these images are upsetting."

"She's seen them. Get them off the screen," Tony says gruffly.

The images shrink and the five faces reappear, and with a clenches jaw, Fury continues with the report, explaining the physical enhancements of the drugs given to me, as well as the super soldier serum. Images and videos demonstrating my abilities flash across the screen, and although I try, I can't remember doing any of it.

"You attacked guards and even Doctor Stadelhofer on various occasions, and there are notes saying you needed near-constant conditioning to be kept under control. They also had you on sedative drugs until you reached a point of compliance."

Reaching Out | Bucky BarnesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon