2 | Wednesday, May 26th

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I roll onto my side and like the last three days, I have to remind myself of where I am.

The Avengers Compound.

New York.

The room is dark, and when I look to the clock on the side table, it reads 6:04 AM. I contemplate trying to go back to sleep, but I decide instead to get up; I want to explore the grounds of the Compound a little more, and the best time to do it alone is probably now. I pull the covers off and stand from the bed, looking out to the still dark lake and forest.

"Hey... F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Can you tell me what the temperature is outside? I want to go for a walk."

"It's sixty-two degrees right now."

"Thank you," I nod.

After brushing my teeth, I slip into my closet and change into a pair of leggings and a comfy top, then pull on a pair of sneakers as I head out of my room. The Compound is quiet, but as I pass the common area, I hear someone moving around quietly. I catch a glimpse of Steve before I turn the corner and push through the doors to get outside.

Lights from the Compound illuminate most of the grassy area, but a few streaks of light emanate from where the sun rises behind the trees, giving the sky a warm hue. The further I walk towards the water the more unfamiliar everything feels.

It's slightly unsettling; slightly off.

I pause, the only sound coming from the birds and crickets, although even they are just a gentle hum in the background.

It fazes me. It's the complete opposite of what I'm used to in Chicago; there, it's rare that you get a moment of quiet, between people, cars, and boats.

I do miss the sound of boats pulling into port though.

I shake my head.

I miss all of it... even my shitty calcium-filled shower.

I let out a puff of air and continue towards the water, following the shoreline until the Compound is invisible behind a thick cover of trees.

I walked for the better part of an hour before finally turning around. I slowly started enjoying the warm air and gentle sounds of waves lapping at the shore, and actually would have liked to stay out there longer, but I knew if I disappeared, I would probably get a few questioning looks.

When I got back inside, everyone was awake and in the kitchen, but rather than avoiding interactions like my mind was telling me to, I joined them. It wasn't that they weren't friendly or welcoming, it just feels like I'm intruding in their space. Not to mention, being around this many people at once after months of living alone has been... overwhelming.

And although that little bit of discomfort stayed with me through breakfast, it lessened significantly with their casual chatter and conversation. And it was further ebbed as people started slipping away as the hour went on, all disappearing to do whatever Avengers do.

It's just Bucky and I now, and I'm thankful for the moment of calm.

"What are you planning to do today?" Bucky asks as he passes me a frying pan.

I grab it and start drying it off, running over my exceptionally-filled mental schedule. "I don't know, maybe wander around a little more... I'm sure there's at least one room in this building that I haven't found yet."

Reaching Out | Bucky BarnesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora