Seriously, What is This?

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A young man with long blonde hair in a ponytail with faded purple ends sat at the docks under a full moon. He sighed heavily into the cold air. Suddenly a black jacket that was much too big for him fell over his shoulders. He chuckled softly. “You know I hate it when you sneak up on me.” He said.

Another young man came into view and stood over him with his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans. “Sorry.” He said. “Don’t worry about it, I’m surprised you came out to find me.” He said. “You shouldn’t be.” The other man said. “I know.” He held the jacket closer to his shoulders like a blanket. “Come sit down and stop standing over me.” He said.

He sat down next to him and the man with the ponytail leaned on his arm since the other man was too tall for him to reach his shoulder. “It’s kinda weird. I haven’t come to this exact place in years.” He said. “Is that a bad thing?” The other man asked. “No, it’s just an observation.” He replied. The other man leaned his head down onto his and they sat silently looking out onto the ocean.

Cody woke up, and immediately made a face of annoyance. As soon as he did, he got a notification on his phone and immediately knew it was Seojun texting him.



(It’s fine, but you better explain it,

(I know it probably doesn’t fit into where you are in the story, but I want to know now.

/Okay okay, just give me a minute.

Cody watched his screen while Seojun typed, waiting impatiently to get his answer.

/Okay so, with this stuff. Since I’m part of my dynasty’s powerline I have the ability to see small moments in the future. They're visions to help me understand things. It’s also supposed to give me an advantage in battle because that’s mainly what my ability is used for.

(Okay, that makes sense I guess, but what does this have to do with me?

/Honestly, I have no idea.


/I’m trying! Even my mam doesn’t know why this is happening!

(Your mom knows!?

/Yeah, she’s my mam.

(Before me?!

/Are you mad?

(No, I’m confused.

/Well so am I. I don’t know why you’re seeing this, you’re a human, and you’re definitely not part of the Min dynasty, so it doesn’t make any sense.

(Could you find out why?

/I don’t know.

(Ugh fine. Thanks for explaining it to me I guess.

/Sure. Sorry.

(It’s fine. Maybe I’m just some kind of freak of nature, it wouldn’t be that surprising.

/Or it’s me.

(Maybe. From now on, I’ll just blame all of my problems on you. 😌

(From now on, you’re the reason I broke my tooth when I was three years old.

/That’s so mean! 😭

(Is it though? Or is it simply the truth. 🥴

/Why are you like this?

(Because it’s your fault.

/AcK! That’s it, I’m leaving the planet!

(Good riddance Seojun.

/ :(

(I’m still joking, relax. 😅

/Oh okay.

/Well bye now, I’ve got homework to do.

(See ya later.

/I'll try and look into it more.

(Okay thanks.

Cody giggled and shook his head. He was probably gonna use this stupid conversation to keep him going until the next one happened. Stupid Seojun and his alien-ness. At least he makes everything a little more interesting.

Not like he needed it living on Griffin Rock, but it was fun sometimes.

So all that’s the future huh?

Though it was pretty weird and a little uncomfortable at times, it gave him a small sense of relief and security. He wondered when each of those events that he saw would happen, and maybe if him and Seojun were something more by the time that they would come around.

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