Really Awkward

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On Sunday night Cody flopped onto his bed on his back. Charlie had called Seojun’s mom almost as soon as Cody gave him her number. They were going to meet at Mr. Marcello’s pizzeria at 5 tomorrow. Hopefully she’d like them enough, not just because of all the alien secrets bullshit, but also because, well he wasn’t sure why he was so nervous about this. But it was whatever, he’d probably be more calm if he got enough sleep tonight.


Cody turned around to see Seojun running towards him, waving high into the air with a big grin on his face. He looked a bit older and didn’t have braces. Cody smiled back and Seojun picked him up and spun him around. Cody laughed, “Okay okay, put me down now!” He said, still giggling.

Seojun set him down steadily on his feet and Cody gave him a hug.

“Hey, you're wearing my jacket!” Seojun pointed out gleefully.

“Huh?” Cody looked down at his clothes. He noticed a blue and yellow letterman jacket that was definitely too big on him over a fitted black top and blue jeans.

“Oh yeah, I guess I am.” He replied, his face turning bright red.

Seojun smiled brightly, his charming dimples showing. “It looks good on you Cody.”

Cody smiled, brushing his hair out of his face, “Thanks Jun.”

Seojun put his arm around Cody’s shoulders and they walked down the hallway together.

“You’ll be there at the game tonight right?” Seojun asked.

“Duh! I wouldn’t miss it.” He said, bumping Seojun with his hip.

Seojun chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Of course, why would I even ask?” He said sarcastically.

Cody gigged. “What’s your mom making tonight?” He asked.

“Crab gumbo and Kalbi.” Seojun replied.

“Ooh! And what about Tylak juice?” Cody asked excitedly.

Seojun sighed a deep sigh and closed his eyes. “Yeah, there’ll be Tylak.”

“Alright! Will she mind if I stay for dinner?” Cody asked.

“She had a feeling you’d ask, I’ll pick you up after the game’s over.” Seojun said, hugging Cody closer when his class came up.

Cody couldn’t help but smile again. “Okay, this is my stop. See you later Jun.” He said, hopping up on his tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Seojun clicked his tongue and gave him a joking finger guns with a smile and disappeared down the hallway.

Cody snapped his eyes open. His heart was racing and his back was cold.

What was that about? He thought in confusion, touching his chest to feel his heart. Dreams are weird, it was probably just anxiety deciding to disturb him in his sleep.

He wasn’t gonna think of it as anything other than that.

Cody put on a white t-shirt, light blue jeans, his bomber jacket, and his usual red and white tennis shoes. He brushed his hair and grabbed his things and he was off to school.

“Good morning son.” Charlie said, still looking at his newspaper.

“Hey dad.” Cody said.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked.

"Yeah I think so, but I'd honestly like to go back to sleep." Cody said.

"Well too bad for you, you've got to get your ed-u-mication." Charlie joked.

Cody groaned and rolled his eyes. "Ugh fine, I'll go. Bye Dad." He said.

"See you later Cody." Charlie said.

Frankie met him on the sidewalk and they walked to school together. "Have you ever thought of changing up your style Cody?" She asked

Cody looked at her with confusion. “What’s wrong with how I look now?” He asked.

“Oh nothing. It’s just that you’ve been wearing the same things like, all your life. Like have you ever thought of growing or dying your hair, or wearing different types of clothes just to switch it up or anything.” She asked. “Um, no not really.” Cody replied. Frankie laughed and shook her head. “I should’ve expected that.” She commented. He bumped her with his elbow jokingly. “Hey, what does that mean?” He asked. “Nothing I swear!” She laughed. “Sure Frankie. Sure.” Cody said.

They walked in through the front door and Cody was ready to start the day until he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

“Cody! Frankie!” Cody turned to see Seojun walking towards them with a big smile on his face and he swore his heart exploded. “Seojun! Hey what’s up?” Frankie asked, dapping him up. “I’m so excited you won’t believe this!” He gave Cody a side hug and Cody tensed up immediately. Seojun looked concerned. “Are you okay Cody? Your face is really red again. Was that my fault?” He asked. Cody shook his head rapidly and attempted to cover his cheeks. “No, I just- I’ve gotta get to class!” Cody yelped. He ran down the hall, leaving Frankie and Seojun behind. Seojun looked at Frankie with confusion. “What’s the matter with him?” He asked. Frankie hummed ‘I don’t know’. “I’ll ask him later, okay?” She said. “Yeah.” Seojun replied hesitantly.

Cody barreled off to math class feeling really embarrassed.

Ugh, what am I doing? It was just a stupid dream, it’s not like he knows about it. It’s fine.

He tried to convince himself that everything was okay, but he just couldn’t get himself to believe that. He couldn’t even ignore how he was feeling and was out of it the entire class.

Later he sat uncomfortably with his head down and his stomach churning at his desk. Frankie sat down next to him. “Um, are you okay?” She asked. “Yeah, totally.” He mumbled. “You’re lying, I can tell.” She said. Cody sighed and explained the entire dream to Frankie as the class started. “So you like him?” She asked. “No way! I barely know him.” Cody said. “You don’t have to know someone to be attracted to them.” Frankie pointed out. “Well, it’s not like that at all.” Cody said. “Then what else could it be?” Frankie asked. “I don’t know, maybe nerves. Let’s just drop it, I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.” Cody told her with a breaking voice. Frankie nodded. “Okay.” She replied.

Cody was also quiet for most of Biology class until Seojun tapped him after the bell rang. “Cody, are we still on for tonight?” He asked. Cody nodded. “Yeah, sorry for being distant I was just having a rough day.” He explained. “Oh, sorry about that. Are you okay?” He asked. “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. You should worry about me stealing your food tonight.” Cody joked. Seojun smiled, showing his fangs. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He clicked his tongue and gave Cody finger guns. “Catch ya later Burns.” He said, turning away to leave. “Yeah, see you in a min.” Cody added maybe a little too enthusiastically, already feeling his face turn bright red. “Boo!” Seojun jokingly disapproved of his pun and disappeared down the hallway. Cody giggled at Seojun’s silliness and Frankie laughed with him. “You sure you don’t like him?” She joked. “Shut up Frankie.” Cody groaned. “You’ll have to make me.” Frankie said, starting to run. “I’m ‘bout to call him back here.” She joked. “No! Stop!” Cody said. Frankie laughed tauntingly as he chased her down the hallway.

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