Back To Life

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Oh Primus! What’s happening to me?

He couldn’t really turn to see, but when his head dipped below the water he caught a glimpse of something green glowing under him and he felt searing pain in his left leg. He’d definitely been hit by something, but he wasn’t sure what. He just knew that with it piercing his leg. There was no way he could stay above the water for much longer with the extra weight attached to him.

He called out to Seojun for help one last time and took the deepest breath that he could before he sunk under the water again.

Come on, what’s taking so long?

He waved his hand above the water, hoping for help. A wave rolled over him and knocked him off of the little balance he had in the water. He had used up his strength, and now with the heavy rock in his leg, he was sinking into the water. Seojun still wasn’t there. Everything suddenly became quiet and he looked up at the moon through the water.

This is it. I’m done for.

His life flashed before his eyes and the memories of his family, the bots, his mothers voice, Frankie, and lastly Seojun. He should’ve just told him that he liked him, maybe he would’ve been rejected, but now he’d never know and he’d die with regret. Especially since he’d spent their last moments together fighting with him.

As his eyes began to close he heard something splash in the water. Weakly he looked up. Something huge was above him and swimming towards him fast. He felt panicked, but there was nothing he could do.

Great, this thing is gonna eat me?

As it got closer, he took it in and watched. The closer it got, the more familiar it appeared. More humanoid too.


He looked different, he was definitely bigger, and his eyes were glowing for some reason. Cody wasn’t too focused on that, or anything really. He desperately needed air. He tried to stop it as Seojun approached, but his mouth was forced open, along with the air from his lungs. His heart raced and he tried to hold his breath, but he just couldn’t anymore.

He felt a hand on his back and he turned in the water. He caught sight of his face. It was completely dark other than his big green eyes which pierced through the water and were completely focused on him. When he came down to get him, Seojun was scratched by a spike as he ripped Cody’s vest apart. Cody’s vision was completely black now as water rushed into his lungs, but he could feel himself being lifted towards the surface.

The next time he opened his eyes, he was laying on the beach. Seojun gave him a big hug as he coughed. While he was glad that they were both alive, his chest was burning in pain. Luckily Seojun heard him say that it hurt and he gently set him back down. His vision was very spotty and his hearing was impaired due to lack of oxygen, but he heard Frankie and Priscilla approach frantically.

Oh, they’re okay too.

Seojun avoided their eyes as he spoke, his were still glowing but more dimly. Cody focused on breathing as he ran back to the docks.

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