Chapter 39 - Pierogies (Tom)

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"I'm not sure I know of any."


She looked up toward the staircase above them before turning back to Tom. "I'm familiar not with that one."

"It's made of French fries covered in gravy and cheese curds."

She shielded her mouth from him, and her shoulders rocked a little. After dropping her hand, a smile rested on her lips. "Like fast food?"

"Yeah, some fast-food places serve them." That hadn't been a great suggestion. Prae liked home-cooked meals. The air warmed as they reached the first floor, making Tom sweat even more. "Pancakes and maple syrup?"

She smiled as they crossed the foyer where the larger-than-life portrait stared at them from above. "Yes, I've tried those."

He rapped his finger against his basket of teaching supplies. There had to be something different. He reflected on holiday suppers or BBQs. There wasn't an affordable way to share a great Alberta steak or bison meat from Thailand. "Pierogies?"

"What are those?"

"They're similar to dumplings, but filled with potato and cheese, then fried with bacon, onion and butter, at least the way my baba, sorry grandmother, would prepare them." The dish was more eastern European than Canadian, but with so many Ukrainians living in the prairies, it was close to a Canadian staple.

"Are they hard to make?"

"I've never tried, but my grandma said they take a few hours to put together. I'll see if Maria can help."

"Will you have the space to make them? Your apartments have small cooking areas."

"We'll do our best."

"You can both come to use my kitchen. I have counter space, burners, large pots, and rolling pins."

Tom laughed at himself. "Come to think of it, I have very little of the equipment I'd need. Maria might though."

"Maria's kitchen is good for making smaller meals, but her preparation table is cramped for cooking and rolling dough. It is no bother. She uses my kitchen often."

"Three of us working together would be easier. Sorry, that was presumptuous. You don't have to help if you're already giving us your kitchen."

"It's no problem, Tom. I enjoy cooking and learning new recipes."

When they reached the doors to the staff room, Tom held the door open for Prae and they stepped into air-conditioned bliss. "If you want to, I'll welcome the help, but don't feel obligated."

"It'll be fun. Which day is best?"

"I think Maria has to make her cooking channel video tonight, so Friday's better."

"Friday would be perfect."

"Are you sure? I don't want to ruin any plans you might have had."

Her melodious laugh overtook the sound of the air conditioner. "What was it you told me during the holidays: to relax?"

As their gazes met, he smiled. "Easier advice to give than to take."

"Certainly. So I'll see you and Maria tomorrow night?"

"Yes, looking forward to it."


As Tom and Maria lay atop her bed, Maria kissed him gently. Her lips still tasted like the spicy Thai curry they'd cooked for her channel. It burned his lips a touch, but the way she pressed her body against him replaced the sensation with a much more appealing one. Without breaking their kiss, she rolled until she was on top of him, sitting up slowly and running her hand up and down his fitted t-shirt. As she repositioned herself on his lap, many thoughts entered his mind, which he fought not to act on. After their conversation about their exes, he needed to let her set the pace, so he didn't hurt her.

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