"Constructing wireframe now."


"Start at the end of the strings. Weave the strands through the inner nanotubes using the frame."

"Unhand my Cloak at once!"

The Eye was now floating on its own.

Izuku didn't even flinch as he reached for something and held it over the now open eye.

A single drop hit the exposed eye.

"Your potions won't..."

It blinked

"What is this?"

"Visine." Izuku said "You seem a little irritated."

Now onto the story thanks for 600 followers guys.

Aizawa and Iron Liberty

Aizawa had been lurking on one of the roofs. The difference between All Might and Iron Liberty fighting styles were frightening.

In the middle of the road was a statue not a man. Aizawa seen the way Izuku moved in his armor and the fact Izuku had gotten to the point he could trust it to catch him I'm mid air was a terrifying.

He honestly had no clue what Nezu was thinking.

The first strike was from Bakugou with Todoroki following behind and Yaoyorozu shouting about teamwork.

The American Colored Armor was coated in ice and unlike Izuku heating himself out the surface plates just flexed the ice off without moving.

"Little tip when driving in the winter." Toshi said as he backhanded Bakugou into a wall. "Always check your antifreeze."

Aizawa activated his quirk and moved in.


"You're in my maze now little humans." Nezu said cackling as Mina and Denki were moving through it.

"This seems so unfair." Mina said "I don't wanna hurt the Principal."

"Our goal is escaping the maze." Denki said "Nezu's up in the crane."


"Welcome to suck city." 13 said before saying "Wait that came out wrong!"

"It's ok I'm not that good at witty banter either." Ochako shouted.

"c'est la vie. There are those that shine bright in certain things no?" Aoyama shouted.

"Thank you for not ripping on me I don't play villain alot." 13 said before blocking a laser shot with her finger port.


Mineta and Sero were looking around.

"Do you feel conflicted here?" Sero asked.

"No." Mineta said.

"Dude seriously what did Midoriya do to you?" Sero asked.

"A system update." Mineta said looking around pulling off a few pops he started laying traps.

"Hello boys." Midnight said.

"Keep that mask on!" Mineta shouted throwing a pop ball.


Armed with his other set of handguns Butter and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter (ones made for rubber bullets) he had a perfect advantage point to pin the two down.

Iron Man IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now