Chapter Twenty- Two

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"Deku, you have to come out the shower." Katsuki said from the doorway, as Izuku scrubbed and washed his body over again.

He scrubbed his face over and over again, enough to cause redness. Same with the rest of his body.

"Not good enough..." Izuku trailed off, his inner Omega thinking he smelled like Shindo. He could still feel the way Shindo had kissed him, how even Izuku had even kissed back. How he had sucked him off... his mind even replaying how he had killed him.

No, Izuku had to keep scrubbing, he wasn't clean.

Tainted by the touch of another man that wasn't Katsuki.

Tainted by killing another man.

He had to get rid of the guilt. Of the filth on him.

"Baby—" Katsuki tried to reason but Izuku shushed him.

"He called me that. I-I don't like that." Izuku shook his head, lathering more soap on his body.

Katsuki stayed silent for a moment, before stripping his clothes. He stepped into the shower, just feeling how hot Izuku had the water on. It made Katsuki wince, and then realize how Izuku was feeling to some degree. It must've been horrible, if he was willing to burn his skin for it.

He adjusted the temperature, before taking the soap and loofa from the Omega. "Did he mean it like I do?"

Izuku looked at Katsuki, pouting. He was confused, not sure what Katsuki could mean. "What... what are you talking about?"

"You said that prick called you baby." As Izuku nodded, Katsuki pulled him closer to his body, their skin touching. "Does he mean it like I mean it? Or did he say to go just try and sweet talk you into fucking you?"

"I don't—"

"How do you think I mean it?"

Izuku pondered, slowly shaking his head. "I-I don't know. Is it.. not just a pet name?"

"You're my Omega." Katsuki said, running his hand through Izuku's wet hair. "My boyfriend, and maybe one day my husband."

Izuku's heart skipped a beat. "B-boyfriend?"

"Yes. If you want that, of course." As Izuku nodded, Katsuki smiled. "When I call you baby, or anything really, I mean it out of endearment. Out of love." Katsuki kissed Izuku's cheek, causing the Omega to lean into his touch. "I don't want to just fuck you. I don't want to win you the fuck over. Because I plan on spending my life with you. And no one the hell else."

"You don't think I'm a..." Izuku's voice shook, looking for any trace of lies in Katsuki's eyes.

"A what, Deku?"

"A.. a w-whore?"

Katsuki growled, before suddenly claiming Izuku's lips in a kiss. Katsuki's hand wrapped around Izuku's chin, seemingly trying to deepen the kiss.

Izuku was taken back, and put his hands on Katsuki's shoulders, trembling in his Alphas hold.

Katsuki pulled away from the kiss, and spoke in a loving voice. "I could never think that." The water began turning cold, and Katsuki finished cleaning the two of them, before they walked out the shower together.

As they got dressed, the alarms started blaring.

Someone was in the castle.

"Deku, you're going to stay here." Katsuki warned, starting to put his armor on.

"I could fight—"

"This isn't up for debate. If it's the League, I don't want those asswipes anywhere near you, got it?" Katsuki said, his decision final. "We will have enough people fighting. I will send Inko here, too."

"She's better of staying in her quarters." Izuku said gloomy. "Be careful, please. I don't want you to die, too."

Katsuki placed a kiss on Izuku's lips. "I promise I'll come back to you. I love you."

"I love you too." Izuku smiled, his eyes looking sad. As Katsuki left, he quickly went and locked the door behind Katsuki.

As much as he wanted to fight, he knew killing Shindo had him shaken up pretty badly. As a fighter, killing was something that you had to be prepared to do. Was trained to do. Emotions couldn't go into it.

Izuku felt restless, sitting here in the room. He fiddled with his fingers, thinking of the worst case scenarios. If his friends and mother died. If Katsuki had died.

He couldn't afford to think like that right now.

He wasn't sure why, but a sudden thought was to put his pendant away. To hide it from, whoever was in the castle. He quickly put it in a small pouch, before putting the pouch in his pocket. That pendant gifted by Katsuki meant so much to Izuku. He couldn't afford for it to go missing or get it taken.

Izuku felt useless, not being able to do anything. He sucked his teeth, annoyed with himself. Suddenly, Izuku felt the breeze coming from the window, but he frowned.

That window wasn't opened— at least he didn't open it.

He walked up to the window, and closed it. Via the reflection, he saw a quick movement of someone moving to the side of the bed.

Izuku quickly turned around, watching a girl get up from the side of the bed. She rolled on the floor as Izuku swung at her.

She stood up and smiled, blushing at him. Her golden eyes and messy hair struck a memory within the Omegas mind. "You're that Toga girl."

She laughed, almost jumping in place. "Aha! The cute Omega knows me!" She took a step closer, and Izuku got into a fighting stance. "Hey, you're actually really cute. Ah, I hope I can keep you!" She lunged at Izuku, taking a knife out and swinging it toward him.

She managed to scratch his face, as he defected her hit. She jumped back, and without breaking eye contact with him, she licked the blood off of the knife. "Mhm... so good. Your blood taste so good."

"You're crazy." Izuku managed to grab her leg, as she tried to kick him, and slam her into the floor. He got on top of her, and grabbed the hilt of Katsuki's knife he left in his room and hit her with it. She was knocked out, and Izuku watched her eyes flutter close. He quickly got off of her, was ready to warn the others of the infiltration of the League, when he felt a stabbing pain in his leg.

He screamed, and looked down, as Toga smiled with her tongue sticking out. The blood trickled down her head and held a strong hold on Izuku's leg. "Shiggy said we need you. I can't let you go, cutie."

Izuku felt his body starting to get weak and tried to shake Toga off of him, when the door was opened.

It wasn't kicked down, it was unlocked.

The only two people who had keys to Izuku's room were Katsuki and his mother.

Did something happen to either one of them?

A person walked in, pale blue hair and red eyes. Around his eyes were scratch marks and dry skin,  and Izuku vaguely remembered him.

"Shigaraki! I have him!" Toga laughed, as Izuku stumbled, falling to the ground. He looked at Shigaraki with hazy eyes.

"Good girl." Shigaraki said dryly, earning a cheerful squeal from the girl. "Grab him. Let's see if Enji will still be willing to sell him."

"" Izuku croaked, trying to crawl away, his pathetic excuse of an escape making the pair laugh.

"Omegas don't have a choice." Shigaraki spat at Izuku, and smiled manically. "Your rebellion is pointless, you know." He raised his foot, bringing it down on Izuku's head, and stomping his head into the ground.

Izuku's last thought before he blacked out, was that he never woke back up, if it meant he was stuck with these people.

To Be Continued
1294 Words

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