"Peter! Cate! Stop! It's me!" The Goblin's voice changed from less raspy and evil to more high pitched. We both looked at him with fists still pulled back. Wide eyed.

"Mr. Osborn?" I said as he removed his mask.

"Cate, Peter. Thank god for you." He whined at us.

"You killed those people on the balcony." Peter said astonished.

"You killed my father, and you threatened to hurt Harry. You're own son..." I said in disbelief. Though now it all made sense.

"The Goblin killed! I had nothing to do with it!" Norman said with a shake of his head. He had a terrified look on his face. "I would never hurt, Harry. You must know that! Don't let him take me again!" He begged. "I beg you. Protect me!"

"You tried to kill Aunt May, and you tried to kill Cate." Peter snarled angrily.

"But not you. I tried to stop it. I couldn't stop it. I would never hurt you." He pressed something discreetly on his glove. "I knew from the beginning, if anything ever happened to me, it was you that I could count on." Norman said trying to sound as sweet and sincere as possible.

"Don't listen to him, Peter." I said quietly.

"It was always you, Peter Parker. You would save me, and so you have. Cate, my dear you proved me wrong. You're a great match for my son. You helped save me too. Thank god for you." He stood to his feet. "Thank god for both of you. Give me your hands." He reached out towards us. But neither of us moved. We couldn't. We were both in shock and we didn't believe him. "Believe in me as I believed in you. I've been like a father to you." Peter grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Be a son to me now." He reached his stretched out hand towards Peter a little further.

"I have a father. His name was Ben Parker." Peter said strongly and we both glared at Norman.

"God speed Spider-Man and Spider-Woman." Norman's face quickly frowned as the Goblin voice returned.

A spider-sense happened realizing the Glider was right behind us and the sharp knifes protruded from the front of the glider. As it flew at us, we both jumped into the air tucking our legs towards our bodies, hands still intertwined. Flipping over it.

"Oh." Norman said as the Glider approached him and pierced through his stomach, pinning him against the brick wall.

Peter and I both landed on our feet and with wide eyes, witnessing the suffering of our best friends father. His body leaned forward, ready to give out after grunting in pain. Blood seeped from his mouth. His head tilted up and his eyes met ours.

"Peter, Cate. Don't tell Harry." He used his last breath to make a dying wish and he collapsed forward onto the glider.
Peter held me close to his side and I put my face into his chest.

He swung us around as we both supported Norman Osborn's weight. We thought it was only right to bring him home to Harry. He deserved to bury him. We snuck in through the window of the mansion and laid him down on his couch without his Goblin suit on. We bandaged his wound. Peter held an arm around my waist as we looked at him sadly. We both turned our heads sensing someone coming. Harry walked into the room and stared at us in disbelief.

"What have you done? What have you done?!" Harry shouted.

Peter grabbed me and we swung out the window, away from the Osborn household. When Harry looked up after grabbing a gun from a nearby drawer, we were already long gone.

Harry called me shortly after I arrived home. I felt so guilty, I couldn't help but answer the call. He needed me. We attended the funeral together and after the services were done, Harry wanted some air. He walked off and stood alone. I sighed and looked to the ground, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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