chapter 15

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{Chapter 15:
Sinclair's  Christmas Eve}

Veronica's POV:

Christmas Eve is here and I still don't have the Christmas spirit

I have a feeling allot is gonna go down between now and tomorrow

But let's not let how I feel ruin how others I will be kind and put on an act that says I'm fine and in my mind I know I'm not

I will wear a fancy dress, go to the dance with Tristan even tho I'm still mad at him,

And at the end of the all goes back to how I feel now.

"So what are you wearing?" Willow asked

"I don't know jeans and a hoodie?" I shrugged

"Hell no! Listen you have a date, a hot date if I may add and if you don't dress up then your just disappointing everyone." She says

"Maybe that's what I am....a disappointment." I say

I looked down "sorry I didn't mean to make this convo depressing." I said

"It's okay your still grieving about Chas's death....we all are." Willow says

"I know it's just for some reason I can't help but think it's all my fault."

Willow sighed "it's not anything if anything it's Tristan and Harvey's fault-"

"Wait what do they have to do with this?" I asked

"Oh nothing....." Willow lies

I looked at her with confusion "okay?"

"Well anyways I think I'm gonna head to bed, you wanna crash here tonight?" I asked

"Would you be mad if I promised your brother I'd stay with him tonight?" Willow asked

"Of course not you two are a couple go do couple things." I said

"Thank you bestie!" Willow nearly squealed with excitement and went to the door

Before she left I yelled at her "USE PROTECTION I'M NOT READY TO BE AN AUNT JUST YET!"

"Shut up." Willow laughs and closed the door

I turned off the lights because I had a killer migraine

Well, sleep tight Veronica a Christmas miracle is just a day away, unless it's not a Christmas miracle and everything goes wrong or someone else dies ....stop thinking to much you'll make the migraine even worse.

(Here's a Christmas Eve chapter! Sorry for the shortness I was running out of time to write)

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