chapter 10

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{Chapter 10

Oh Death}
"Oh Death what have you done to me?"

Veronica's POV:

Death is sad and depressing isn't it?

Especially when your someone who goes through it an awful lot-

So here I am being depressed about my mother's death and one of my best friends

No one imagined that on my birthday this would happened

And I definitely don't think Chas planned on dying today.

"She's been sitting like that since last think she'll be okay?" Harvey asked worriedly

I could hear them but only a little I was trying to block all noise out

Tristan's POV:

"She's been sitting like that since last think she'll be okay?" Harvey asked worriedly

I pulled him out of the room into the hallway

"You think she'll be okay? Oh yes because her roommate didn't kill her best friend and made a bet with a dumbass." Tristan says.

"Why would I kill Chasity?" He asked surprised

"Hmm because you were with her last and she seemed mad at you when you guys left not to mention last night was the full moon you can't control your temper."

Harvey rolled his eyes  "it's not me!"

Tristan did a spell to make him quiet

"Your loud mouth is gonna get us exposed right now Veronica isn't in the right mind to know about what we did." Tristan said

"Since when did you care about her I thought she was just another way to get you money." Harvey says

"I've always cared." I said rolling my eyes

Back to Veronica's POV because we love her telling the story better-

After a week of not eating or sleeping I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.

It was dark out and no cars were driving by so I looked both ways and laid down in the middle of the road

Oh Death what have you done to me?

"Your not planning on  getting hit by a car are you?" I heard Tristan Callaway's voice say

"Would you blame me if I said yes?" I said still laying on the ground

"Not really....need company from the guy who's easy to talk too?" He asked

"Yes that would be you know him? Where is he?" I joked a little bit

Tristan came over and laid down "y'know no cars come over here I don't even know why they built a road if no one drives on it."

I laughed "it's to get to the school dummy."

He looks at me "she laughs,wow I missed that sound."

"Shut up."

He looks at me "seriously though it's nice to hear you laugh."

I smiled a little

"There you go doesn't that make you feel better?" He asked

I sighed "no.... because somehow I feel Chas's death is somehow my fault-"

"It's not and I dont want you to say that it is." Tristan says

"Okay okay I wont say it."

He looked at me "promise?"

"I promise, don't worry I won't say it, I don't lie." I said

Tristan's POV:

"I promise, don't worry I won't say it, I don't lie." Veronica says and I mumbled to myself but she couldn't hear it

"Some of us do anyway."

Veronica stood up "thanks for the chat and the company....I don't know what it is but you always seem to make me feel better."

"Yeah....hey about that I have something to tell you-"Tristan says

"Can it wait because I'm really tired and haven't slept or ate in weeks." I said

Tristan nodded "yeah sure."

(So this one is a bit short but yeah allot of stuff is about to go down in the next few chapters)

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