Return to Tempest

Start from the beginning

At this point, I'm getting seriously annoyed by his nonsense. If this keeps up, I'll have to take his dessert and manga privileges away...

[[Would you like me to help persuade your foolish older brother, Master?]]

Sure, Ciel. Knock yourself out...

I'm a little hesitant to let Ciel take control in this case, but it'll make things easier for me. Veldora is almost as scared of Ciel as he is of his older sisters, so bringing her out is a good tool to use to convince him in some cases.

Iruma POV

Rimuru went to fetch Veldora, who's apparently locked himself in the bathroom. I've heard her shouting at him for a few minutes now, so I follow the commotion to see exactly what's taking so long. I'm all ready to go at this point, so I'd like to get going soon.

I arrive just in time to see Rimuru's eyes change color. It looks like Ciel's taking control for a minute, probably to help get Veldora to come out.

Suddenly, something appears in Ciel's hand; it looks like a paper fan. There's something...unsettling...about it though. It appears to have an ominous glow around it and I'm scared of it for reasons I don't completely understand.

She then leans forward so her face is right up against the door, so close that her lips are almost touching it.

"Come out here, Veldora Tempest or I will administer punishment." I hear Ciel's flat, emotionless, voice threaten him coldly.

I hear a high-pitched "eep!" come from behind the door after hearing Ciel's words.

"C-ciel?!" Veldora cries out, sounding terrified.

"Yes. Cooperate with my Master's demands and show yourself." She's now tapping the fan on the palm of her other hand rhythmically in a threatening manner.


The door slowly opens and a sullen-faced Veldora reluctantly steps out. But, as soon as he spots what's in Ciel's hand, he takes a step back to avoid whatever's coming next. He's not fast enough, though. Veldora got whacked on the top of his head with the strange weapon before he could escape, or at least that's what I think happened. It was too fast for me to perceive, but based on Veldora now holding the top of his head with both hands and wincing, combined with Ciel's arm being outstretched holding the fan, I can put the pieces together.

"What was that for?! I did what you said!"

"You wasted my Master's time with your idiocy, so I carried out the necessary consequence of that choice," Ciel states, just as coldly as usual. Although, I do see a small satisfied smirk form on her lips for just a moment.

After Ciel made her point, her crimson eyes return to gold. Veldora breathes a sigh of relief.

"Why did you have to unleash that sadistic fiend on me, Rimuru...?" Veldora grumbles while still rubbing where he was struck by Ciel.

"If you'd listened to me in the first place, I wouldn't have had to!" Rimuru scolds.

"She just had to use that horrible thing on me too... my head's still throbbing from it..."

"Haha, c'mon now, Veldora! She didn't hit you that hard with it! How 'bout I try to reason with Velgrynd for you so she doesn't hurt you too bad since you've already taken some punishment, okay?" Rimuru chuckles as she leads Veldora down the hallway by his arm she has ahold of. Veldora doesn't look thrilled with the situation but complies anyway. Rimuru then opens some kind of magical gate and shoves him though it before it disappears.

I feel bad that he got whacked since I can tell it hurt quite a bit, but in a way he had it coming.

"Why did you close that gate?"

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