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 "Beastie? It's time to wake up. Aurora."

Aurora groaned, vaguely aware of her Godmother's voice gentle in her ear, but not yet ready to bid sleep farewell.

"Come on, Sleeping Beauty." - Diaval's voice.

She opened her eyes for a moment, before snapping them shut again against the bright sunlight that stung them.

She felt Maleficent's hand against her forehead, stroking it as if to gently coax her out of sleep. The gesture had the opposite effect, and Aurora leant in to her touch, eyelids still heavy.

"Do you think she's unwell?" she heard Diaval ask.

"I don't imagine she is feeling her best," Maleficent responded. "In any case, it is... unusual for her to sleep so late."

Realising she was apparently the centre of attention, Aurora lifted her head up, letting the idea of sleep go.

"Hello," Diaval smiled.

Aurora groaned, becoming aware of the fact her whole body ached and her head throbbed – no doubt a direct result of her previous night's adventures.

"Y'okay there?" Diaval asked.

"Everything hurts," she mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Maybe you could find something for the pain? Some cloves, perhaps?" Maleficent suggested, and he nodded, disappearing.

For a moment, Aurora remained still, feeling thoroughly miserable.

"Come here Beastie," Maleficent extended a wing.

"How long did I sleep?" she asked, welcoming the contact and the swirling balls of light that surrounded her as the fairy took the edge off her aches and pains.

"It is... late morning," her Godmother clarified.

"You're never usually here when I wake," the girl noted. "You don't have to feel guilty, you know?"

"It is not about guilt," Maleficent began – though she did feel it – for what had happened in the caves, and for immersing the girl in unpleasant scenes from the past. ""I am here because you asked me not to leave you, and I saw it fit to oblige"

Aurora smiled faintly. "Perhaps I should get into trouble more often."

"Perhaps not. I think you have had your fair share of trouble, and I my fair share of sleepless nights on your account," Maleficent told her, running her fingers through Aurora's golden hair absent-mindedly.

"Are you going anywhere today?" the girl asked.

"I had planned to walk the wall later, to ensure its security," she said.

Aurora frowned. "The wall of thorns? Why? Do you think Darius will try and get through?"

Maleficent shook her head, thoughtfully. "No, that I am certain will not happen. It does not hurt to be vigilant, however."

"May I come?"

"Given your injuries, I'm not sure that is wise..." her Godmother began.

Aurora grabbed her hand. "Please, Fairy Godmother. I'm certain I'll feel better once Diaval brings the... the... things you sent him for."

"Cloves," Maleficent confirmed. "All the same, I think it would be prudent for you to remain in the nest today and rest."

"Please let me come. I want to be with you," the girl pleaded, big eyes full of hope.

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