SEVENTEEN | the curse mark

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Staring at the deadly being before them, Sasuke tsked at the girl's unwillingness to leave for her own protection and rather risk herself being with him. He didn't want another repeat of what happened on the bridge again, especially knowing they were in a more vulnerable situation of not knowing where Naruto was now. "I thought I would have a run-in with you two.." the woman said to the both of them, a frightening smirk appearing on her face.

"You're a freak." [Name] spat spitefully to the
the enemy in return, "You've had your eyes on us this whole time, you've been wanting to target us." Placing a hand on her holster, she took a Kunai out of her holster and readied herself. "Tsk. you both have a lot of nerve believing getting through me will be easy." and that's when it hit, this scenario — the flash-forwards she had seen before entering the forest. Was this it?

The Kunai within her hand began to shake in her grasp, the deadly stare. Staring into their eyes, even with her Byakugan activated, she felt unsettled with the person before them. In return, her stare irked deeper into the two Genin's eyes. Eyes pulsing as suddenly a killing intent overwhelmingly began to take over, [Name] envisioning what she saw again, but it felt more real this time through the intent. The flashes were becoming reality in her perspective, in her eyes, seeing herself become riddled with blood within the visions.

The Uchiha's froze, [Name]'s kunai dropping out of her hand and into the dirt. A silence drew as the woman began to smirk, taking slow gut-wrenching steps toward the two. Sasuke eyed down at the Kunai, having known this feeling of intent before, but [Name] hadn't. Her shakiness, the slow pacing in her breathing gave it away for him. "[Name].., snap out of it.." he tried to calm her, but his patience was swelling as they found themselves in an imminent danger situation. He could tell [Name] wasn't acting like her usual self since the beginning of the exam.

"Please.., pull yourself together.." he tried pleading, closing his eyes as he exhaled out harshly at what would probably be the last-ditch effort chance of getting them out of this. Gathering himself up, and forcing himself to grab for [Name], he clutched onto her wrist and pulled. Missing the triple Kunai's that went flying their way as he pulled off with the girl and up to a tree for safety and leverage. He began breathing heavily as the girl looked dead-struck in the face. "[Name]..Why are you acting like this..snap out of it..Damnit!"

He began shaking at the girl who had been in shock, finally breaking through to her after a few shakes when she began to blink rapidly, turning her head slightly and focusing on Sasuke. "Sasuke..." she gulped, trying to catch her breath as she placed a hand on her chest. "I envisioned this would happen..— We have to leave.. It's—"

"No." Sasuke cut her off, glaring into the distance of whom was after them. "I got this." he then reassured her, balancing his stance as he got up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Stay here, keep a lookout for Naruto, got it?" He commanded to her in a sense, he seemed fed up with the circumstances they found themselves in and just wanted to find a way out of it. She gulped again, only able to shake her head in response.

Sasuke jumped off the tree afterward, approaching the enemy with spite in his eyes. His Sharingan became activated as he gathered himself to face what he thought would be an easy opponent. The Uchiha-Hyuga sat in the crosshairs of it all, her Byakugan scanning the area as she searched for any sign of Naruto.  Her attention became off guarded quickly when a loud thud from below caught her attention.

"Why must you make this so difficult little one..?" the woman hissed from below [Name], looking up at she noticed [Name] looking down at her. A series of wired Kunai's went flying her way and landing on the tree, wrapping around her. "I'm your target. Remember that?" Sasuke grimly said to the woman, stepping closer as he signed for a fire-style technique. "Fire Style: Great Fireball!" he summoned.

[Name] whipped her head away quickly, hissing as she felt the visions coming forth to her and remembering seeing this same scene before. The woman was engulfed in flames, but that's where the vision blurred and contorted to screaming. The flames engulfed the enemy before her, Sasuke taking a step back and watching yet standing on guard at the possibility of a rebound attack.

He looked up at [Name], nodding at her in the reassurance that he had the threat under control. But that's where it stopped. [Name] frowned as the flames began to digress, and the being only emerged in a new melted form. "What..nice tricks you have.." they then commented, the sound of their voice raspier. "I might have to leave you with a gift instead. This seems to be getting more out of hand than expected." and within a blink of an eye, it happened.

Their neck contorted from out of their body, swirling and twirling towards Sasuke at a fast-paced speed he couldn't beat. Sasuke gasped as he felt blood being drawn from the side of his neck and an intense burning forming as if something had been etched on his skin. He kneeled in pain, clutching onto his neck as the man retracted himself from the Uchiha. [Name] screamed, falling from off the tree as she landed on the ground and ran towards the falling Sasuke.

Orochimaru. Looked onwards, a smirk on his face at what he deemed a successful catch for an Uchiha test subject. But his face etched a frown when he heard the bearing heavy footsteps of the Blonde Uzumaki running from his left. "What did you do to THEM..?!" Placing a hand up in the direction of the Uzumaki, his hand glowed with purple as the boy approached and without a swing being given to the pale man, became immobilized by whatever emitted from his hand and came in contact with his seal on his stomach.

"If time permits. I will be back for you also." the man said to [Name], her attention so drawn to Sasuke, she couldn't find the time to react but rather glared at the man with her still lavendered eyes activated before pondering over Sasuke again. The man disappeared shortly after, leaving [Name] in what was a rather distressful situation of being the only conscious one on her team. She had felt that dreaded feeling she always thought about.

Loss. The feeling that she had lost her two teammates — Bestfriends within that very moment. "Sasuke please.." So unaware of their states. "W-We have to help Naruto.." she stuttered out in a mumble as her vision began to blur once looking in the direction of Naruto. Tears began to unconsciously stream out of her eyes in reaction to all that was happening before her, looking back down at Sasuke, whom she cradled within her arms.

She noticed the mark, which she examined as a curse mark the man gave Sasuke in return for their vicious fight. The control the man had over him now was beyond deceivable, [Name] grimaced in return to the thought as she felt a pang of irritation within her eye and the blurriness becoming worse until she closed her eyes for a moment.

Sasuke's eyes flickered opened momentarily, [Name] reopening her eyes again and looking down at the Uchiha, he stifled a noise as he tried reaching up to the girl with his hand.  "S-Sharingan.." he mumbled out ominously to her, closing his eyes again as he took a deep breath. She wasn't quite understanding what he meant at the moment until it hit her after a realization.

Placing one of her hands on the side of her face, the veins of the Byakugan still protruded, but she felt a swift difference in her eyesight — Almost heightened in a sense. Her usual offset gray-colored Byakugan world now tinted with colors of red. She knew what it meant, but couldn't exactly confront it in the moment — considering her situation, but she knew all too well what it meant.

She had reawakened her Sharingan.

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[AUTHORS NOTE] gonna try to focus on doing maybe 2000+ word chapters if time and plot permits 🥳, so what do you guys think [name]'s sharingan ability might be in the plausible future..?!, how do you think the next chapter is about to go down knowing she's reawakened it 😱😱

Nobility | 𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨! 𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙤 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon