Chapter 14

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*1 year later*
Logan's POV
We looked down at the tracks. For about a week we have been tracking this Cyclopes with a demigod.
For some reason he was keeping the demigod and not eating him. It was really weird. We had chased him to a abandoned warehouse.
We scaled the building as fast as we could. We broke through the window and jumped in.
I went in the broken window first. I cut myself off the broken shards to the bottom but I hid the cut. I looked down at where it had cut. Right on my side. It was oozing blood at a slow rate. I could live I just needed to hide it from Sarah she gets worried from these things.
"Sarah jump down I'll catch you," I said. I watched as she climbed through the window. She slide under the sharp parts where the glass was broken. I caught her as she jumped down.
"You okay?" She asked in concern.
"Yea I'm fine," I said as I tried to conceal the grimace. It must of worked because she didn't give a second thought about it.
I heard the booming of loud voices. I looked over the railing and saw a Cyclopes and a man with a nice car. Instinctively I started to drool. It was a nice car. Gallardo Lamborghini. Sarah hit me on the shoulder. I looked at her with a sarcastic hurt face. She only smiled.
"Do not touch the boy. He is very powerful and special. I will have in my army," The man said. What army? Who is this guy? He opened the door to his Gallardo and got in. "I'll be back in a while. But first claim a prize for me. Those two up there. I want there heads, they've heard to much," H said and pointed to us.
"Oh shat," I whispered to Sarah. The Lamborghini spun its wheels and drove off leaving us with the Cyclopes.
"Yum food," The Cyclopes grinned. It charges towards us. I shot my bow at him and hit him. He didn't disintegrate like he should've. He just kept charging after us. I pulled out my swords. "Don't wait for me just get the boy and go," I said. She nodded. Once I saw her reaction I jumped from the railing onto the lower floor.
I engaged in battle with the Cyclopes. Dodging and slashing. The Cyclopes was slow but it wasn't dumb. I got lucky when he tried to grab me. He almost did and I jumped just in time so he didn't.
"That was close," I mumbled. I looked up at Sarah. She stared right right back in my eyes.
"Sarah go get the bo-," I said. My sentence was cut short by a giant fist to me. The fist flung me into the wall.
I couldn't feel anything except pain. My vision blurred. I knew I had to keep going. I had to kill it. I had to get Sarah out and alive along with the boy. I heard Sarah call me name. I knew I had to get up now.
I struggled to get up. I think I broke my leg. When I got up I put my weight on my leg that wasn't broken. I readied my swords and charged slowly. The Cyclopes grinned. I threw on of my swords. The sword landed in its shoulder. I stumbled. I picked myself up and ran back to to it. I jumped my best. I grabbed the sword and hung on to it.
"Your going to die now," I said angrily. I had enough. I expertly swung my sword towards the wretched Cyclopes. Luckily the Sword sliced through its head and the head dropped to the ground with a great thud.
I glared at the pile of monster dust, which caked me and the floor. Oh my gods was I tired. My side and leg throbbed with pain. I hobbled over to Sarah who was now cutting the rope around the boys hands.
I stared at her in amazement. Gods she was beautiful. Her hair was messed up and all across her face. I looked away blushing.
I turned my face back. I looked at the boy. He had black hair, black eyes, and wore some tattered clothes. He was very sturdy, and very built. He had buff arms and big thighs. He didn't look agile but I knew he could run fast if he chose to.
Pain spiked in my side. I put my hand on it to keep it from bleeding. When the pain subsided I pulled my hand away hoping Sarah didn't notice. It was getting harder and harder to breath. I felt it harder to keep balance. Sarah looked at me in concern.
"I'm fine," I said as I grimaced.
"Lift up your shirt now," She demanded. Gods sometimes she is very forceful. I reluctantly lifted up my shirt. I accidentally leaned on my bad leg and I stumbled.
"Oh gods... We need to get out of here and into the woods where we can gather some herbs," She said with concern. "Can you carry him," She asked the boy.
"Yea I can," He said and he lifted me onto his shoulders. My vision blurred again making everything fuzzy. The ride wasn't very smooth. I bounced a lot which did did not help.
We finally found a place where we set up for camp. It was a small clearing in the woods with a small creek.
Sarah set to work on getting me fixed up. She set up a tent and put me in there. I got two pillows. Mine and hers.
It was comfy, but I felt bad that I would be taking her pillow. Sarah came in with an atroshis looking something that was green. It looked like somebody blended up a whole bunch of lettuce and poured in Gatorade.
"Here this should help you mend that broken leg," She said with sympathy. She handed me the glass and I chugged it. Biggest mistake of my life. It tasted what it looked like.
"Ugh that tastes nasty," I said as I was about to fall asleep.
"Ok good now that you have drank it, you can go to sleep now. If you need anything just call," She said with a smile.
"Yes I... Can I ask you something?" Is aid sleepily.
"Sure what do you want?" She curios.
"Can you lie down here with me for a while?" I said and I knew I crossed the line.
Sarah's POV
"Can you lie down here with me?" He asked. What is he thinking. Of course I like him. I've had a crush on him for a while. But this is exactly what I wanted to do. Fall asleep in his arms. He was so cute when he slept. I stared at him so often and he doesn't even notice. I mean he is so handsome with those gorgeous gray eyes with flecks of gold in them. With his flawless shaggy blonde hair. This was the perfect opportunity.
"Um, sure I will," I said, trying to act natural. I drop to my knees and then lie down next to him. He only stared at me. I scooted up closer to him. I was now face to face with him. I wasn't ready to kiss him yet, so I looked away. I put my head on his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me, warming me up. I looked at him and he only smiled, but his eyes didn't show any happiness. He started to tear up, he looked away so I didn't see his tears, but I did see them, and even when I couldn't see them, I could hear the sniffling.
"Hey what's wrong," I said grabbing his face a pulling it towards mine."Hey what's wrong," I said, grabbing his face a pulling it towards mine. "Tell me please," I said sympathetically. I just wanted him to feel better.
"It's j-just that I feel like I'm n-not g-good enough for you," He said with tears staining his face.
"Hey. Don't say that. You'll always be good enough for me," I said. I was so close to his face, I could feel his strained breaths.
"I always get hurt and I'm not there to protect you when I'm hurt. I feel not strong enough to help you. It just hurts so bad," He said as his eyes moistened more. I couldn't think of anything to say. The something came to my mind.
"Everybody will fall, but the ones that regain their strength, and the ones who hold the most pain, are the strongest, and always get the happiest ending," I said with the most love I could put into my words. By the time I had finished speaking, he was no longer looking at my eyes, but at my lips. I knew exactly what was going to happen next, and he leaned in. He kissed me. I could feel his strong arms wrapping around me. I reached up my arm to his face and put it there without even breaking the kiss. His jaw was strong and I could feel it moving as he kissed me. I pulled away my hand and searched for the hem of his shirt. I started to pull it off but then he grabbed my hand with a free hand of his without even breaking the kiss.
"How is he so good at this?" I thought to myself. I heard the tent unzip. It sounded like a elephant was trying to get into the tent. I heard a cough and Logan pulled away but I didn't. I accidentally bit his lip and made it bleed. The blood was glossy red.
"Oh I'm so sorry," I said sorrowful.
"It's fine," He said as he touched his lip getting blood on his finger.
"Um well if you two aren't busy sucking each others faces off, I need you," He said and pointed at me. Why did he need me? Why couldn't he take Logan? I guess I was just being lazy.
"Ok fine," I said and got up. I looked at Logan with sadness. He returned the favor with a bloody lip which added to the effect. I last saw of Logan was his head in the pillow trying to fall asleep. I turned to the boy, who was now where to be found.
"Where did you go," I called out.
"I have a name," He said. Then I saw him in the hammock we set up for him. "Its Chase if your wondering," He said. I looked up at the moon. It was a beautiful white and blue. Perfect for a midnight picnic. The trees swayed in the wind leaving a fresh scent behind.
"What do you want," I asked him.
"I want you to take me to Chiron at Camp Half-Blood," He said and waited for an answer to surprise him. I could tell he wanted an answer to make to surprise him so I did something he didn't expect.
"Ok Logan and I will take you. We will set off in the morning," I said. I knew Logan wouldn't mind. Of course he would, he can barely crawl and I'm asking him to go halfway across the country. I yawned. "Alright I'm going to bed. Goodnight Chase," I said.
I unzipped the tent and walked in. I looked at Logan and saw him sleeping. I guess he wasn't fully asleep because he held out a hand to me. I gladly took it. He pulled me down to the ground. I laughed. "Hey you tired?" I asked him.
"Mm hm," He said in a mumble. He pulled me closer. I eventually fell asleep in his strong arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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