Chapter 7

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Logan's POV
After I got claimed everything felt like it was in fast motion. Everything just went by so fast. I met up with Lyla.
"Hey Lyla. How does it feel to be child of Apollo," I asked her sarcastically.
"I dunno, how dose it feel to be a child of Zeus AND Athena?" She asked me.
"Well, it going to be hard choosing what to do with the cabins. I think I'll sit with The Zeus cabin and Sleep in the Athena cabin," I said.
"Cool. Are you going to play capture the flag?" She asked me.
"No I don't have a weapon yet," I said. I didn't want to tell her about my cruse yet.
"I didn't get to thank you for saving me from that drakon,"She said.
"No need for the thanks. I got to go I have to go to Leo," I said. An I idea just piped into my head.
"Before you go. Would you like to be my boyfriend? Everybody girl has one. I don't so do you?" She asked me.
I stared dumbfounded at her. "Su-su-sure," I said to her.
"Oh my gods. I have a boyfriend," She squealed happily.
Authors Note: Sorry for short chapter but I had to get that out there as well. But be prepared the story will get sadder. 😭😭😭😭

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