Chapter 11

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Logan's POV

Everything was black. I couldn't help the tears. They came down like a river. Lyla didn't love me. How could she? I was ugly. I was fat. I didn't do anything while she was gone. I was tied to a chair in a dark room. I think it was maybe the basement of the big house. Footsteps approached me. "What were you thinking," It was Percy. I didn't answer back. I couldn't. Everything weighed heavily. Another pair of footsteps approached me.
"Really Logan! You destroyed some of the camp. I can't believe your my brother," It was Anabeth. Her voice was full of disgrace. This really pissed me off. I flipped out of my chair. I surprised Percy and he fell over. I went up to and got behind him putting my hands that were tied up around his neck.
"I would suggest if you want to live you'll get me my bracelet, and you'll cut me out of this, or I'll will just keep pulling harder and harder till you can't breathe, then you die,"I said with a harsh voice. He nodded his head and I let go. He had a red mark from where
The rope was. He goes off to get my bracelet and comes back to give it to me.
"Here you go is there anything else you want me to do," He said.
"Yes. I would like if you told me what is going to happen to me?" I asked. I didn't know because I've been in here and I just destroyed half the camp.
"Well Chiron was just going to let you stay. They'll just rebuild the camp," He said in reply.
"Oh," I said. "I'm going to go in the forest for a while," I said and walked out of the basement. Then I walked up the stairs and out of the house. I ran for the forest being careful not to be seen. I ran towards bunker 8. I got to the door then I heard voices. I knocked on and ran and hid. Leo opened the door and saw a whole bunch of kids sitting in a circle.
"Ugh. I hope it was nobody who wanted to join our truth if dare game," I ran for the door as it was closing. Nobody noticed me enter.

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