Chapter 4

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Logan's POV

I saw a figure floating toward us it was a human shape. Why was a human floating towards us? When the person finally arrived it was a man that look as old as Percy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, he also had the scar on his lip. The scar was shaped weird it was like he tried to eat a stapler.
"Chiron, I didn't make this storm," He said like if he did he would get into trouble.
"Yes Jason. I know. You brother here, Logan, made it," He said pointing me.
"Oh," Jason said.
"We have a problem to deal with first. We will announce this later your parent later," Chiron said. "Logan, You have a curse that cannot be removed. It was placed by Hera," Chiron said.
"No wonder it was her," Anabeth mumbled.
"We all have our dispositions about Hera. Anyway we have to make a weapon strong as the gods weapons. It has to be concealable, and has to return to you. Percy you want to demonstrate," He said.
"Sure. Here," He handed me a pen,"Logan uncap the pen," I uncapped the pen and it turned into a sword. On the blade it said Anaklusmos , Riptide. how do I know what it meant.
"Why can I read Ancient Greek?" I asked Chiron. I gave Percy his sword back.
"Your brain is automatically hard wired to it, giving you dyslexia," He said. Then he nodded toward Percy. Percy threw his sword. A moment later Percy had his pen.
"Do you want a sword or spear. I can do both in one," Leo said,"Logan, I need to know what you want me to conceal your weapon in. I t could be a simple object like a pen," Leo said. I wanted a sword and a spear. I looked down and saw my torn up para cord bracelet. I wanted to conceal my weapon in a para cord bracelet.
"I want a sword and a spear, could I also have a shield with a eagle on it. Conceal it in a para cord bracelet," I said to Leo. Then a conch horn blew.
"Ah. Time for lunch. You'll sit with Jason," Chiron said.

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