Chapter 3

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Dedication. Thank you RRlover for commenting. Thus chapter is dedicated to you.
Logan's POV

"Well this is very odd indeed," Chiron said. I have no idea what going on. "Leo, are you willing to commit this project," He asked Leo.
"Yes sir I am. Mh dad asked my to do this. He said I would probably be the most famous blacksmith in history. Making a weapon as great as the gods weapons," He said with pride. I was really confused. A weapon as great as the gods weapon? What was going on? Lately I have not been getting a lot of answer. I decided to ask. I was pretty agitated.
"What is going on? Your talking about weapons as great as the gods weapons. WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN!" I said. Then the air pressure drop. I saw the lights start to flicker and frost growing over it. I looked up and saw the beautiful blue sky turn stormy gray.
Author note: Sorry for this short chapter I will try to post more in chapter I just wanted to get that out there.

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