Chapter 1

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Natalie POV:

I look over at my watch grumbling softly, 7:42. I slowly got out of bed looking over at the mess on my desk from my stream last night. Bottles and plates littering the desk. I'll clean it later . I walk over to my wardrobe and open the door, looking for my work outfit. I work at the cafe across from my apartment complex.

I grab the clothes and walk to my shower. I glance at my watch again and the time is 7:52. Work starts at 8:30 so this will have to be the quickest shower ever. I quickly turn the water on and grab the soap bar, lathering my body before drying off.

*time skip to work*

I stroll into the cafe putting my phone in my pocket.

"What do you want me to do today?" I asked Mrs Bernez who just walked in from the back of the cafe. Mrs Bernez owns the cafe and she is one of the nicest people ever.

"Good Morning Natalie, I hope you had a great sleep. I'll need you to waitress for today." Mrs Bernez pulls me into a hug before once again disappearing into the back room.

I walk to the back of the counter and grab a spare apron pulling it over my head and tying it behind my back. I grab the wet cloth that is on the table and start cleaning the tables. A couple of people walk in so I grab them a few menus and direct them to a table.

"Hello, i am going to be your waitress for today. Here's a few menus and I will be with you shortly." I told them.

They thank me and I walk behind the counter to start them off with water.

"Hey Nat! Didn't see you there!" I turn around and spot Alicia, who is my work buddy.

"Hey Alisha, how are you! Hope you had a great weekend." I responded back. Alisha and I are close friends at work but we don't really make time for one another after work.

"You know same same, also are you doing that table?" She replied already focused on the next people that have started to trickle in.

"Yeah I was just going to get water for them. Talk to you later." I grab the water and glasses and make my way over to the table.

After giving them the water I take their orders and walk back into the back room to give their orders to the chef. I walk back through the kitchen and look as someone new walks through the cafe doors.

I find myself staring, he is around 6 foot 3 and he just has a very attractive face with green eyes and dirty blonde hair.

He makes eye contact with me and I quickly look away, walking to another table and taking their order, after doing so I look back to the cash register and see Alisha taking his order.

He turns around and we make eye contact again. I start to freak the fuck out. This man right here is so unbelievably hot and he is looking AT ME. After a few seconds of eye contact he breaks it to retrieve his coffee.

On his way out he looks over at me again and smiles. I hurriedly smile back before walking over to talk to Alisha.

*Time skip to after work and Natile is home*

I fling my work clothes into the washing basket that is currently overflowing and I sit down in my computer chair and turn on my PC. I joined the vc with a few of my friends.

"Streaming, Streaming." Quackity yelled.

"Chill out Quackity, no need to burst my eardrums you shit head." I retorted.

" Relax Annex we didn't know if you knew ok? No need to get so annoyed." Dream muttered.

I very much dislike Dream, he annoys me at any chance and I just don't know why anyone would like him at all. We normally only argue but I am completely fine with that.

Just a wall away... (Dream x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon