三十二 : ignorance is not bliss

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Back when Sangcheol had tossed the jacket to Taehyung, he must have mistakenly kept the one with the latter's name on it with himself— after spending quite some time zoning out while water seeped in through his clothes, that was what Taehyung had ...

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Back when Sangcheol had tossed the jacket to Taehyung, he must have mistakenly kept the one with the latter's name on it with himself— after spending quite some time zoning out while water seeped in through his clothes, that was what Taehyung had surmised at last.

A gasp was emitted by him, hands reaching listlessly for the sewn-in tag as he fixated his eyes on the same. Within a few seconds, Taehyung seemed like he had escaped into oblivion— the gradually dampening chatter that originated from the group of people gathered nearby, and the apparently baleful gibberish with which the woman, who had propelled water onto him, was endlessly addressing him— substantiated the development.

Taehyung felt riveted by the little Hangul characters engraved into the jacket that he was donning, his lips shaped into a pout as if he desperately wanted to utter those words, yet could not because of how unworthy he was supposedly deeming himself to be— in order to call his friend for one last time.

With Sangcheol's death, however, the sacrifice he made for Taehyung would persist to be an enigma forever. The fact that he fulfilled his promise of laying down his life for his friend made it more difficult to determine whether the jacket-exchange was all a mere coincidence or that he did it willingly. Now, Taehyung did not only have this issue at hand to unravel, but also the self-condemnation that continued to surface randomly.

"I didn't deserve you, Sangcheol." He squeaked with a sob.


2022 AD

Yeseul must prioritize tearing down the four walls of her home or else— at literally any moment now— she might undergo a breakdown that could prove to be beyond her capacity to stifle it with her own bare hands.

It had been a day since Taehyung headed for where he originally belonged to. Although he ensured not to depart without a proper goodbye, the letter he had left behind for the purpose of rendering the same gesture, was more like a harbinger of an adieu that would never be reverted. It may have been inadvertent from his side, but that contributed nothing to dilute the gravity of the matter in question. Yeseul was increasingly growing hysterical every time she spared another glimpse at the epistle, and as much as she tried to restrain herself from doing so, she was aware that at the end of the day, she would find herself skulking back to the same if she did not step out of her haven.

Haven that did not feel like one anymore.

And so Yeseul pulled herself together and crossed into the mild, wintry sunlight— though forcefully, but successfully. The lively atmosphere of the outside world contrasted drastically with the one that she had had herself confined within for more than twenty-four hours now. Even though she could not yet look directly at the bright sun over her head, the hexagonal rays that had fixated themselves on the asphalt road at irregular intervals, made Yeseul feel much more reassured than she did while staying cooped up in her house.

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