二十六 : against time

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"Do you promise that you will not ridicule me for plotting such a far-fetched plan?" Taehyung put forth a rhetorical question, unexpectedly causing Yeseul to roll her eyes at it

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Do you promise that you will not ridicule me for plotting such a far-fetched plan?" Taehyung put forth a rhetorical question, unexpectedly causing Yeseul to roll her eyes at it.

"Taehyung, if anything, your plan isn't far-fetched. Can't you see that we're independent now? What if it was to happen because of you now that we've messed with our timelines so... irreversibly? My reality still hasn't changed, has it? That in itself is a proof that you won't fail. But even if you do, you'll succeed eventually. So in case your plan doesn't work up to your expectations, please don't take it to heart and continue to do what you aim for. You will, right? I know that you will." Yeseul grinned sheepishly while stirring and mixing rice in the leftover ramyeon soup, dishing it into two equal portions for herself and Taehyung to savor.

The sudden mention of ramyeon must have been a shocker here. What happened about half an hour ago ought to be retold now.

Taehyung's overconfidence and rampant zeal about finally being able to try his hand at preparing a meal had led the very venture to go south in the end. After balancing a one-sided brawl with the stubborn jjigae— that just would not yield to them a perfect outcome— quite at times into his favor as well, Taehyung still had to content himself with results that were as horrifying as the seething female whose kitchen he had turned upside down in the process.

Yeseul was fuming. Who would not anyway, when they had to be a witness to their almost an entire week's supply of food going poof! because of an inconsiderate stranger.

"Is it my fault that it became flooded at first and then tasted like chilli paste when I tried to dry it up?" Taehyung shouted amidst the chaos, provoking Yeseul to undo the cross— that she had made across her chest with her arms, in displeasure— and stomp in his direction aggressively.

"Who else do you think is at fault then, me? Better cook than me, my foot." She snapped back, the hostility in her eyes now raging like flames.

And this was how they had to resort to having ramyeon and the residual rice from morning as their dinner.

The abrupt amity, however, remains open to further investigation.

"I had noticed a poster in Kaesong back when I was running for the tunnel. It said that the Emperor of Japan has scheduled an annual visit to Hanseong— for that invigilation and everything that he does every year. I'm thinking of launching an attack on him while his procession is being carried out through the city," Taehyung's pensive glance was now fixated at Yeseul, "we'll all be free if I succeed at assassinating him, Yeseul." An elated smile stretched across his lips.

"Are you going to do it alone? Are you nuts?" Contrary to Taehyung's excitement though, came Yeseul's remark.

"You promised that you won't mock me—"

"I'm not mocking you, Taehyung. I'm second-guessing your sanity here. Do you see the difference? Don't even dream of undertaking such a dangerous mission, do you hear me?" Yeseul reprimanded, switching her line of sight to the delicacy in her bowl only to address Taehyung once again, "Why don't you ask for assistance? What happened to your comrades? You should have people to back you at times like such."

Against Time | k.th. ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum