
"It really hasn't changed..." I swallowed loudly as the crab cannery came into my view. The building remained untouched since that day, the front doors were still locked since the trap – I had my suspensions Silco was the man behind the whole incident ever since I woke up and saw Urgot; so I can see how he could be behind Vander's kidnapping. Even Sevika talks about how she lost her arm in Jinx's bomb trying to protect Silco. I hated myself mostly for not hating him...but I could hate him.

If he was such an evil guy and wanted all of them dead, why did he save Jinx? Why risk his life to save me? Silco talks all the time about how Vander was like a brother to him and how he wanted nothing more than to have him back at his side, but Vander changed – and just like Violet, I guess family doesn't mean what it used to, and they left them. I walked around to building the large pile of trash I had once fallen in still littered the cannery's left side. I sighed as my brain shot pain through my leg to make me remember. I shook my head and continued on my walk to the back of the building, then the right side – Jinx said she found Violet outside. My eyes quickly noting the large hole in the cannery wall as well as s few wooden boards to block it off. It was like something, or someone jumped through the wall. My gaze drifted down the small trash that drifted by my feet as I looked around for the goggles, I was told they were last seen in the alley as well. A smile spending on my face when my eyes landed on them only to quickly fall when I saw they laid on other person's head.

"What are you doing here?" I glared at the homeless man as he glared down at me, as if I was the one somewhere I shouldn't have been. "This is my home! Leave!"

"This was a murder scene; you need to leave."

"Murder?! I'll show you murder!" I stood to my feet as the man readied to swing a bottle at me. "I didn't do anything! Who sent you!"

"What are you talking about?"

"-so you admit you're an enforcer!"

"Dude, as -" I shut up as the bottle was chunked at me. "Hey! Do some stupid shit like that again, and you'll regret it! I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt old man!"

"I don't need an enforcers pity!" he shouted running to grab another throwable piece of trash off the ground. Why did he insist I was an Enforcer?!

"I just came here to find those goggles you are wearing!" I yelled pointed at the bloody googles that decorated his forehead.

"These?" he asked as he brought them down over his eyes.

"Stop... don't wear them" he only laughed at my request.

"Or what! They are mine! I've been wearing them for 6 years!" I frowned at this information. He was right 6 years Jinx and I have been with Silco yet, that meant 6 years since their deaths. 6 long months


Mylo teases Jinx and Claggor plagued Jinx's mind for his eyewear - just for this man to be wearing them as if they were nothing. I tried my best to keep my blood from rising, but the man's laughing at my dismay only fueled my anger. I let my left hand be consumed in fire once more as the man was too busy laughing to even notice then my right hand lite up as well. I formed Mylo's finger gun before mimicking a shot next to the man head only for a quick bullet of fire to fly past the man. Oh, I didn't think that would actually work. "Wh-What was that?! What are you!"

"Give me the goggles"

"Wh-What?! You're going to kill me over some googles?!" he shouted as if he wasn't the one who started it by throwing the bottle.

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