What are the Odds? (Max and Marinette)

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It's been a while since I've had the energy or desire to write. I recently got a promotion at work and while it is great it's a lot. And if I'm honest maybe it's been too long between episodes but I['m having a hard time staying interested in the show or maybe it's watching the more toxic side of the fandom on other platforms. It's just losing its fun. Maybe the adult world has truly worn me out. Or because I'm writing a novel and working on quilts who knows. So hope you don't mind waiting for this, but it was fun to write this rare pair!

Marinette sat on the steps of the school, gaming club had just a need and sometimes if Adrien's fencing class got out at the same time, they talked about gaming club, Adrien wanted to be a part of it so bad, but his father had strictly forbidden it. But today, she got out just in time to see Adrien leave with Kagami. She knew they weren't dating, Kagami had told her as much. If anything Kagami was really unimpressed with him, the girl he liked wasn't her, and well Marinette wasn't sure what that said about him. Sure she had liked Adrien and Luka at the same time, but she'd been very open with Luka about her feelings and had made it clear that she didn't want him to wait for her because she couldn't promise him anything, and that just seemed unfair. 

She sat there pondering her life a little, was she as obsessed with Adrien as she had been? No not by a long shot. He still held a small place in her heart, but after Luka had shown her how a guy who likes you for you treats you, she wasn't so sure Adrien was the guy for her. Luka had asked her on a real date, and she'd wanted to say yes, but with just becoming the Gardien and all the class stress, she'd turned him down. They were still good friends though, and he'd even met a girl in his grade and they seemed to be getting along splendidly. 

"By my calculations, your mood had downgraded by 30% since you left the game club room. While it's not an alarming change, it seemed noteworthy enough that I should inquire if you are alright Marinette?" She jumped a bit and found Max sitting next to her. 

"Max! I'm sorry I didn't hear you wake up like at all!" 

"I noticed, I even called your name. I was going to ask if you had a partner for the art project yet, I know I'm not your usual pick, but we have been getting closer through the gaming club, and art is my weakest class..." He paused, "But then you didn't even notice I called out so I figured I should make sure you were alright before I asked you that." 

She had wanted to be Adrien's partner, she knew Alya and Nino had paired up in hopes of making that happen, but Max would be fun to work with. "I'd love to be your partner Max, Maybe we can do something video game-related, after all, it's the final project for art class, so we can do pretty much whatever we want." He smiled but didn't get up, clearly waiting for her to answer his other question, "Oh, yes I'm perfectly fine. I've been debating some of my life choices that's all." She smiled at him and stood up, she good goes sit on her balcony at home and debate with a much better few and maybe get some perspective from Tiki. 

"It's always good to reflect on the choices we made and see how we got where we are. We can start talking about the project tomorrow." Max gave her a wave and headed towards his home. 

After spending a quiet evening with Tiki and patroling with Cat she headed into her classroom for the day. She sat in her spot and put her head on the desk. She hadn't really done any processing as when she got home the feeling of needing a debate faded. Now that she was back in the classroom surrounded by her classmates and the boy who caused most of her pain wasn't here yet, the weight of her debate was suddenly feeling heavy. 

She felt a hand on her shoulder she tilts her head slightly and sees Max giving her a soft look, one that felt almost out of place for the ever mathematic Max. "I gather your self debate wasn't successful." She sighed and simply looked back down. "Well I know I'm not someone you always talk to but If my math-minded brain can help let me know. Can't have my gaming partner distracted." Mari smiled to herself, she felt like she saw a side of Max so few people ever saw. When Max was comfortable with you, he could be like, cool and maybe even a little bit smooth? Or maybe that was just her. She pulled herself together and gave Max her dazzling smile and he returned to his desk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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