I need a Hero too (Kim and Mari)

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When you turn 16 you get a notebook that lets you talk to your soulmate. It gives you a chance to decide if your going to find each other or just be friends and be a support for each other. Mari's parents handed her notebook, shortly after school and she went up to her room. Her book was empty. Was her soulmate 16 yet? Did she know them? She simply wrote Hello?  And waited. 

Ondine? Came the reply. 

Oh K no I'm so sorry. 

Oh... You know me then? 

Very well K. Wanna hint or want me to just tell you?

You know I love a challenge. So give me 5 guesses. 

3, I'll give you three. Hint one: I'm a single girl in your class. 

So you can't be  Sabrina, Alya Juls or Rose, or Mylene, so that leaves Chloe, Alix Lila and M

So what's your guess K? 

Please tell me you're not Chloe? 


Thank goodness! Okay, next hint. 

I'm shorter than you. By a long shot..... 


Kim, who class you K more than anyone else? 

Oh M... I'm sorry I know you would have wanted Adrien... 

K we've been friends for years! I'm happy we can keep this friendship, look you have Ondine so I'll keep dreaming about Adrien. Maybe even work up some courage to tell him. And hey at least we know we always have each other. :) 

Ya, we do! I'm glad it's you M. 
But can we not tell the class? I just don't need that drama in my life right now. They'd blame me for wrecking Adriennte :P 

I think I like that idea. Just say no one has written back yet?


Mari stared at her book. Kim was her soulmate eh? She could live with that. Sure he was a total goof but their families had always been close. So she could live with this. Also if Kim was her soulmate maybe he would defend her against Lila. I'm gonna do some homework now K, write me whenever you want. 
Oh! Feel free to tell Ondine if you want. It's only fair after all.

I might just do that. Bye M :) 

She wasn't quite sure two which he meant, but she smile and closed her book. 

They didn't write for a few days, they just shared small smiles in class. Mari pondered how much she should really tell him, about Lila, Ladybug, Chat Noir, and being the guardian? How much was fair to put on him. Tiki was really no help, this was the first time Ladybug and Chat Noir weren't soulmates so she only shrugged. Their art teacher gave them a free period to work on projects, Mari was ahead in art so she put her headphones in and sat in the back corner. She enjoyed the mix of Jagged Stone, Lukas solo projects and Kitty Section Music that played in her ears thanks to Nino mixing them for her. She opened her sketchbook and got lost in her drawing. When the bell finally chimed and awoke her from the drawing daze she saw hadn't drawn design but rather a lovely ocean view. She giggled to herself maybe Kim was rubbing off on her. 

That's beautiful Mare, I didn't realize you were so skilled in things other than clothes! 

Oh, Shoot I didn't mean to draw in our book! I must have grabbed it by mistake!

That's okay I did the same thing this morning. Luckily I sat by myself today. So I could watch you work. I've never seen you get in the zone like that before. I know it happens when Odie and I swim, but I didn't know artists could do it too. You're real talented M. 

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