"What do you mean erase their memory?"

"Well you see we have a spell where we can erase people's memories and even have one to make them do things without their permission." I tell him and he looks amazed at that. "Well since we are soulmates you will be protected by these spells so don't worry I will give you something to protect you"

"Okay why did you mention England"

"Well you see in England there was a war going on over there. And supposedly my cousin was the savior when he was 15 months old and they put his guardian in jail without giving him a trial and since he is from one of my houses I have power over him and his case. And I am going to make a big deal out of this since they can not put someone in jail without telling the head of his house or a trial. Right so they took my cousin and put him in a house where he is being abused. We are fixing that now and since we have a case against them they will go to jail and he will come here in a week or so. Now the one in jail will be out by the end of this year. And since someone technically kidnapped my cousin that person will face charges since he is an heir to at least 2 houses." 

"What do you mean you have power the one in jail?" he asks

"Ah yes I guess I should properly introduce myself then" I got up and started to spin around until my clothes transformed into a dress.

"Ah yes I guess I should properly introduce myself then" I got up and started to spin around until my clothes transformed into a dress

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I curtsied and said " My name is Isabella Lyra Swan-Black. Lady to the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Black and Swan, Lady Queen to the Ancient Houses of Mordred, Pendragon, LeFay, Rosewell, Emerys and Peverell. Empress to the Ancient House of Olympia, Heir of Hogwarts, Mistress of Death and Queen of the Supernatural"

He just looked at me in shocked. His eyes were popping out so much that I thought they were to fall out. He finally said " You are a very important person to the magical and supernatural communities aren't you"

"Yeah I am that's why I have to give you some type of protection because once this goes out there will people that will become my enemy and they will want to attack people that are close to me. Also I would like for you to learn how to fight or at least be able to protect yourself I don'r want anything happening to you. You are my heart now so please be safe and if you ever feel you are in danger you can always come to me and I will help you no matter what."

After I said that he got up and walked up to me and hugged me and said "Okay I will get stronger to protect myself and I will protect you. I know I am not your only soulmate but since I got to know you first I know I am your heart as you are mine." 

We stayed like that for a while and he said "Why don't you sing a song and we can go to sleep alright" I just nodded and we both changed into our pajamas and I started to sing.

"Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a song

A beautiful melody

When the night's so long

'Cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy

Yeah, when my world is falling apart

When there's no light to break up the dark

That's when I, I

I look at you

When the waves

Are flooding the shore and I can't

Find my way home anymore

That's when I, I

I look at you

You appear just like a dream to me

Just like Kaleidoscope colors that

Cover me, all I need

Every breath that I breathe

Don't you know you're beautiful"

As I was singing you could the love and devotion he had for me already and I could see myself in his eyes and I had the same look in my eyes. We just cuddled in front of the fireplace until we fell asleep.

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