Light in the Dark- Apollo+Percy

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I know it's later than I said it would be I had a lot to do over the march break  and all this week I've been packing of camp, but anyway here's the next chapter enjoy. 


Percy bolted up silently screaming, curling up into a ball crying slightly, the nightmare still fresh in his mind.


It was the final battle agents Gaea and things weren't looking good, the monsters kept coming and the demigods were getting tired, most of the demigods were either in the infirmary, severally injured, or dead and the Gods were either tied up or knocked out, there were only a small handful of demigods left the seven included, Percy was busy fighting a group of monsters he and Annabeth where separated a while ago, it was a constant routine of slash, spin, duck, stab, doge, repeat, killing monster after monster when he heard a scream, looking to his left, Piper had a sword through her chest, as she collapsed Jason ran over, falling to his knees next to her as he sobbed 

"JASON, WATCH OUT!" yelled Hazel, 

But before Jason could do anything an Emposi snuck up behind him and latched on to his neck and drained him of blood before he or anyone else could react, taking advantage of Hazel's distraction a hellhound pounced on her and with a snap of its jaw Hazel died, holding back his tears Percy fought harder, killing the Minotaur, (Again, that's like the third time, like what's up with this dude) he moved on to the next monster, sparing a quick glance to the right he saw Leo lying on the ground eyes glazed over and by the looks of it all his bones were broken, it looked like he was thrown out of the Argo II, killing a Hellhound Percy heard Frank shout, looking behind he guessed that he found Hazel 

"NO HAZEL!" he yelled as he turned into a large war elephant, 

A red glow around him indicating the blessing of Mars. Frank was stomping monsters killing them left and right, but you could tell he was getting tired, so when he paused for a second to catch his breath, a cyclops came up behind him and hit Frank with his club, Frank terns back stumbling slightly but before he could regain his balance Kampê stabbed him with her twin scimitars from behind, the poison killing Frank instantly, choking back a sob Percy kept fighting cause as long as he had his wise girl then eventually everything would be okay. 

Looking around after killing a pack of Hellhounds Percy saw Annabeth fighting a group of Emposi, fighting his way over to her, him and Annabeth fought back to back. Soon it was just them, the Gods, a handful of monster and demigods, and Gaea 

"Ha, you'll never defeat me" Gaea laughed,

Percy and Annabeth shared a look and together they charged. For a while it looked like they would actually win when Gaea started laughing "Did you really think you could beat me" she laughed again then before anyone could do anything Gaea spun around and stabbed Annabeth -who was sneaking up on her with her Yankee's cap- through the chest, time seamed to slow down as Percy watches Annabeth stumble and fall to the ground, then time speeds up as Gaea laughe,

"NO!!!" Percy screamed, as he ran over to Annabeth. 

He fell to his knees next to her and started sobbing "No, no, no, no, come on Annabeth you can't die you're going to be okay I promi-" Percy cried as he held her on his lap, but stopped talking when Annabeth weakly placed her hand on his cheek

"P-Percy " Annabeth coughed "D-don't m-make p-pr-promises you c-can't k-keep, j-just pr-pr-promise y-you'll m-move on " Annabeth said,

Her breath becoming raged "Bu-but..." Percy stuttered when once again Annabeth cut him off "J-just pr-promise me seaweed brain p-please" Percy starts to sob harder "I pr-promise to m-move on" he stutters between sobs, Annabeth smiles weakly "Good I d-don't w-want t-to see y-you in al-alysium an-anytime so-soon" Percy chuckles darkly and hugs her 

"I l-love y-you w-wise girl" 

"Love y-you too..." Annabeth took a shuttering breath and went still. Percy hugged her once more then gently placed her on the ground, standing up Percy slowly turned around, everyone who was still conscious took a step back, even the Gods flinched, even though he looked calm the anger in his eyes told another story.

Even Gaea looked slightly scared but hide it immediately with a sneer, Percy calmly walked over to Gaea "You, this is your fault" Percy said as he picked up Riptide from where he dropped it, then without a warning he charged Gaea, not expecting this Gaea was slow to block his attack.
As they exchanged blows Gaea kept taunting him 

"Why still fight? All your little friends and your precious wise girl are dead" Gaea laughs, 

Percy just fought harder, as they fought Percy realized that every time he hit Gaea she would use the earth to heal herself, after another minute Percy had an idea, gathering all the water in the air he lifted Gaea and himself off the ground as they fought. After a few minutes Gaea realized what he did, but before she could do anything Percy, using her slight hesitation and stabbed in the heart, pulling his sword out he lower the to the ground, he watched Gaea die and sink back into the ground, then everything goes black.

*Nightmare finished*

As he cried, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist pulling him in to a warm embrace, tensing up Percy relaxed almost instantly after realizing who the arms belong to, turning slightly he burred his face into his boyfriend's chest still crying silently.
Apollo smiled down at Percy and pulled him fully on to his lap, frowning slightly as he felt a wet spot start to grow on his shirt and realized that Percy was crying

"Hey, hey, hey what's wrong" Apollo asked,

Percy just cried harder Apollo sighed sadly and hugged Percy tighter, rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings Percy slowly calmed down. With his thumb Apollo wiped away Percy's tears, kissing his forehead "Are you okay?" he asked, Percy looked up at him "N-no t-there a-all d-dead" he stuttered, Apollos eyes widened in realization

"Oh my poor baby" he whispered

Hugging Percy close, "Shhh, you're okay, you'll be okay" he whispered over and over till Percy calmed down again, "Feeling better?" Apollo asked, Percy takes a shuddering breath "Y-yeah I-I'm o-okay" Apollo smiled "Good" he whispered and kissed Percy on the nose, Percy giggled, "Do you want me to stay?" Apollo asked, Percy nodes shyly,

"Yes please" he whispers,

Apollo smiles down at Percy and pulled down the covers and they crawled in, and Percy immediately cuddled up to Apollo and started to fall back asleep, chuckling to himself Apollo pulled the blankets up as he lied down next to Percy.
Hugging him close "Love you Percy" he whispered, kissing his forehead, Percy smiled sleepily "G'night m'love you too" Percy whispered, his voice slurred with sleep. As he fell asleep all Percy could think was how lucky he was to have Apollo, his only light in the dark.

The End 


Hope you liked it, I'm not sure when the next chapter will come out but hopefully it doesn't take as long as this one, one last thing should I include the ships in the title Yes or No? Anyway have a good day/night.


Percy Jackson Gay OneShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora