Hide and Sleep- Luke+Percy

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Well here's the next chapter enjoy


Luke was starting to freak out Percy was missing, Luke hadn't seen him since breakfast, and it was already after lunch. He wasn't in the big house, he wasn't by the lake, he wasn't at the... "The stables" he yelled to himself sprinting over to the stables panting out of breath he quickly walked into the stables, looked around "Percy you in here?" Luke called, when he got no answer, he started panicking.

What if he's hurt somewhere in the woods with no one to help him? Or he was kidnapped by a monster? Or what if he was killed-No bad Luke don't think like that, maybe he just went for a walk or went to visit his mom, but wouldn't he tell someone then? As Luke was thinking this, he was walking around camp asking campers if they had seen Percy, but every time the answer was no. He couldn't help but worry, he then decided to go to cabin 3 to see if Percy had left a note or something. Feeling stupid for not looking in the Poseidon cabin first.

He opened the door and made his way over to Percy's bunk, but when he got there he stopped "YOU IDIOT" he yelled, Percy yelped and fell off his bunk "I'm up I'm up" he said, immediately standing up and quickly looking around, he smiled when he saw Luke "Hi Luke" he chirped, Luke started to yell again "Do you know how worried I was when I didn't see you at lunch? I was so worried running around camp trying to find you, not knowing if you were okay or if you were h-hurt o-or d-de-dead" he whispered the last part quietly, at this point he was pretty much sobbing. Percy, slightly shocked by Luke's rant slowly walked over and hugged him and let him cry into his shoulder "I'm sorry" he whispered "I didn't mean to scare you. I just didn't get a very good sleep last night, so I wasn't thinking straight and forgot to tell someone that I was going back to bed after breakfast, I'm so so sorry" Percy said, still hugging Luke "It's okay Percy just, just try not to do something like that again" Luke pleaded "Yeah okay" Percy said smiling and hugged Luke tighter

The End


Sorry it was so short the next one will be longer, hope you enjoyed


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