Chapter 10

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Joseph's POV

Joseph wakes up to hear Faye and darkness talking, it seems like darkness after he heard the conversation after awhile, knew that the two had fun and he blushed hard and sat up quickly

Joseph: "Fuck I hope they don't tell the others"
I would look around trying to find the two and then finally spot them talking, I noticed that Faye was blushing hard while darkness was talking with her mask on... that smug fur...

"Already this early in the morning?"
I say as I get up slowly looking at the two who stopped the conversation and looked at me

Darkness: "Yes this early in the morning Joseph got a problem with that?"
I could see that despite her mask under her face, she  was smiling

Joseph: "Uhh no, I got no problem with that masked female..."

Darkness: "Now get dressed.. were meeting with the rest of the squad down the hill to bring us back to base"
I would see her turn around and walk to her room

Faye: ".... I'll get dressed also, Joseph see you in a few minutes"
She would walk away to another room with her clothes

Joseph: "Ughhh can I just have a break for 5 minutes..."
I would slowly get my boxers on, My pants next and finally my shirt then I struggle to find my mask and my glasses
"Where the hell did I put them...."
I mutter to myself until Faye comes out of the room

Fayes POV

Holding up Joseph's mask and his glasses on one hand I say to him, "Looking for something Joseph?~"
Joseph: "H-hey give it back to me Faye!"
I saw that he would be quick to stand up and walk over to me, but before he could grab his stuff I raise my right hand up that had his mask and his glasses

Faye: "Ah ah ah- your forgetting something~"

Joseph: "What am I forgetting now Faye?..."

Faye: "My kiss silly~ You can't get your stuff back without my kiss~"

Joseph: "Really? Are we seriously doing this now?"

Faye: "Yep we are doing this now~"

Joseph's POV

Joseph: "Hmph... fine..."
I would lean to Faye and suddenly she hugged me and kissed me deeply also, with her tongue inside my mouth. Then she pulled away leaving a saliva trail from my mouth to her mouth

Faye: "Mmmmm~" "You got such a nice mouth Joseph~"

Joseph: "Yea don't mention it please..."

Faye: "Oh this will be our little secret~"
She would give me back my glasses and my mask

Joseph: "Thank you again...."
I would put my mask over my face first then put on my blue sunglasses and walk to get my, well rest of my gear then I heard the door open behind me and I turn around

Darkness: "Hey love birds when we leaving?"
She had all of her gear on and she was notably staring at me

Faye: "We are leaving now darkness if your asking that"
She says to darkness walking past me

Darkness: "Good, I have been sick of staying in this place"
She starts to walk to the door and opens it
"Agh... those bitches took the snowmobile..."

Faye: "Guess we are walking I suppose hehehe"
Her hyena laugh would have slightly scared me because she sounded like she was laughing after she killed someone

Joseph: "Then can we like begin walking now before something happens?"

Darkness: "Sure and also"
She took something out of her second holster quickly and threw it at Joseph
"Think fast!"

Joseph: I would catch the object and looked at it and realized it was my gun
"You had it on you all this time?"

Darkness: "Sure did, if Faye trusts you enough then I trust you also."

Joseph: "I... why thank you"

Darkness: "Now are you two going to stand their?"

Joseph: "Nope I'm moving also..."
I would begin to follow darkness outside with Faye right behind me and we begin the cold walk back to the base they were talking about
"So is this base in the cold also?"

Darkness: "Nope it isn't"

Joseph: "That is good news for me! Can't wait to get out of the snow!"

Faye: "Speaking of that... Why were you up here?"

Joseph: "Well originally I had someone else with me but they split because of a snow storm.."

Darkness: they stop and turn around to face me
"Your saying someone else was with you also?"

Joseph: I nod my head softly
"I found them again frozen to death, they didn't survive the night..."

Faye: "I'm sorry for your loss Joseph.."

Joseph: "Your fine he was a dick to me so he deserved it"

Darkness: "Dicks should always be frozen solid..."

Joseph: "I rather want to keep my dick warm."
I would laugh and soon after Faye would join the laughter

Darkness: "You got a lot of fucking jokes don't ya?"

Joseph: "I got more jokes if you want to hear them?"

Darkness: "I'm good now watch it, their might be a blizzard again keep on your toes"

Joseph: "Got it... Masked unknown person"

Darkness POV

Darkness: I would huff and keep walking "I swear to god one more joke I'm dragging his face across the snow the whole way back to the truck..."

Joseph: I would hear Joseph coughing loudly

Darkness: "Are you good? Joseph?"

Joseph: "Yea yea I'm good..."

He would then be heard collapsing onto the snow

End of chapter

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