Takeda Family (1984)

On the fateful day of May 3rd, 1984, the sound of the baby's first cry echoed throughout the room. His mother sensed, and as she cradled him in her arms, she named him Takeda Hiro.

The sheer joy and delight on his parents' faces was visible as they set their eyes upon their newborn child for the very first time.

"Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Takeda," the doctor said, building up anticipation in Hiro's parents. They couldn't wait to hear the news about their child's syndrome.

"We have made a discovery regarding your child's syndrome. It's an incredibly rare class type, seen in only one person throughout history." The doctor revealed that, which made Hiro's parents get more excited.

The doctor continued, "His name is Max Westley; he is thirty-six years old. He possesses the same class and syndrome as your son."

Clearing his throat, the doctor introduced the syndrome, saying, "It's called the C-Class Hypercompetence Syndrome, also known as the Jack of Hypercompetence Syndrome."

The doctor explained, "People with this syndrome exhibit exceptional mastery in various fields. They have the ability to learn new skills and excel in areas such as martial arts, psychology, and strategy."

With a serious expression, the doctor emphasized, "However, Hiro's progress will depend on how he manages his hypercompetence since he falls within the C-Class category. Some skills may pose challenges, while others will come naturally. But with the will and enthusiasm to learn, he will undoubtedly excel."

Curious about the class hierarchy, Mr. Takeda asked, "You mentioned C-Class. Are there higher classes?"

The doctor looked apologetic, scratching his forehead as he replied, "Oh, yes, I forgot to explain the class hierarchy:

F-Class: the Pawn
E-Class: the Rook
D-Class: the Knight
C-Class: the Jack
B-Class: the Master
A-Class: the Champion
S-Class: the King
SS-Class: the Emperor
G-Class—the God."

The doctor elaborated, "G-Class individuals are the most versatile class, with a capacity to rapidly learn new skills and abilities. They can acquire a skill as early as three years old and master it within a day."

Listening in awe, Hiro's father contemplated the immense potential of those in the G-Class. He wondered about the abilities his son might have possessed if he belonged to that category.

"On the other hand, the F-Class is the least versatile," the doctor continued, "and individuals in this category may struggle to learn new talents, even with a strong desire and interest. It can be a challenging and frustrating path for them."

The doctor reassured them, saying, "However, it's important to note that having an unknown class is more common. In such cases, doctors simply label it with the syndrome name, as the class in the hierarchy remains undetermined. Your son is unique because we can determine his class."

With a warm smile and sparkling eyes, the doctor concluded, "Congratulations on the newest addition to your family."


Takeda Family (1985)

Hiro wailed uncontrollably in his crib. Neither of his parents could soothe him.

Though Hiro couldn't comprehend their words, he could feel the tension in the air as his parents engaged in a crucial argument. This dispute marked a turning point, prompting Hiro's mother to gather her belongings and take her baby with her. She recognized that it was time to depart, to embark on a fresh start, and to forge a better future for themselves.

The next day, Hiro's mother initiated the divorce proceedings, fully aware that this difficult decision was the right one for both her and Hiro. Numerous sleepless nights were spent by Hiro's mother collaborating with lawyers, advocating for custody, and striving for a fair settlement. The process proved to be burdensome and exhausting, yet her determination to provide her child with the best life possible never faltered.


Hiro's Mother (1986)

Hiro's mother entered into a new marriage with a man named Naito Kazuki, who proved to be a gentle, loving, and supportive husband not only to her but also to Hiro. As a result, Hiro gained a stepbrother named Naito Akira, who happened to be ten years older than Hiro and is currently twelve years old.

Initially, Akira was skeptical about having a younger brother, but he quickly developed a deep affection and care for Hiro.

In the year 1987, their mother became pregnant, and nine months later, their family experienced the arrival of a daughter named Natsuko Naito.


Naito Family (1991)

Hiro is currently enrolled in senior kindergarten and is recognized for his reserved and quiet demeanor.

Before bidding farewell for the day, Hiro takes a moment to embrace his parents warmly, planting a gentle kiss on their cheeks.

As a kindergartener, Hiro doesn't have any particularly close friends.

Several months later, after a day of learning at school, Hiro patiently waits for his older brother to pick him up. Akira, having finished his classes in high school, arrives approximately thirty minutes later.

Akira reaches out and clasps Hiro's hand as they make their way home together.

Approaching their front door, their mother greets them with a warm smile, opening the door to welcome them inside.

"My sweethearts, I have some exciting news to share," their mother announces.

Hiro and Akira lean forward eagerly, fully aware that whatever their mother reveals will be nothing short of enchanting.

or so they believed...

With a brief pause, their mother exclaims, "You're going to have another sibling!"

Confusion swirls in Akira's mind, and Hiro blinks rapidly as they process the unexpected announcement from their mother.

In unison, they both exclaimed, "Another sibling!?"

Nine months later, Akira and Hiro joyfully welcome a new addition to their family, Naito Natsumi.


Naito Family (1992)

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