7. Helm's Deep

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Nyx sat with Dalzag looking over the edge of the cliff ''You think Gandalf survived that fall?'' Dalzag leaned against her with a great sigh ''there was another here... Zeuxippe, she was sent to kill you in the water. She must've killed the wizard down there''

Nyx help the man stand ''We need to see Gaia'' ''She still lives?'' His eyes seemed to doze down, love lingering his eyes. She was pure beauty in his eyes. But Gaia didn't share the feeling back when he confessed

''Yes... but she has a husband, do not hope, my friend. She is in Erebor, as the queen under the mountain. We must leave, come'' Nyx patted his back. Him lighting up in flames, to the purest form of a balrog coming back to life

''Take us there my friend'' Nyx jumped on his back, gripped tightly around his neck. His wings spread out to hurry them over the edge. Over the edge the flame fluffed out to dust ''Dalzag!'' within a panicked move, he whipped his whip wrapping it around the large stone piler holding them up

Dalzag dragged them up the whip ''So were walking all the way there...'' Nyx groaned, helping the man stand ''maybe cloths before we reach there'' ''Clothes are overrated'' both chuckled walking out into the heat of the sun. Their skin almost cried out in joy. Too long have they been locked in the darkness of Moria

''You remember this feeling?'' Nyx took a great whiff of air in ''When we first came out of Angband, the sun was hot, hotter than the flames we wore'' Nyx's nails drag into his side ''The sun wasn't up when rose'' Dalzag eyes glazed over

''Oh, you are right...'' Dalzag members still were faded from his sight ''It was still nice, leaving Angband'' they walked talking of the old days, who lived and died. Who came back from the dead and who never did.

''So, so you're telling me. The golden haired boy, what was his name?'' Dalzag chuckled ''Glorfindel, killed Gomzak?'' Nyx giggled through her nose with a nod ''I would never have thought''

''What happened to Rulzaker? I didn't see her in the last battle'' Dalzag coughed patting his chest ''She... well...'' Nyx running her hand up and down his side ''You killed her'' her long fingernail circled around the scar on his hip. The star of Rulzaker marking him ''She was going to kill Gaia'' Nyx understood

Rulzaker was an unpleasant Balrog. She would kill anyone, how dared betray Morgoth. Nyx had faced her, the same star on her thief. If he didn't kill her, she was going to on the last battle against the dark lord


''Edorla and The Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden King of Rohan whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Theoden is now very strong'' Half of the fellowship looked at Edorla out to the descant

''Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here'' As they neared the gate, Rohan's flag fell to the ground. People stared at the rode into the city ''You'll find more cheer in a graveyard''

They walked up the long stairs, but got stopped at the door ''I cannot allow you before Theoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame, by order of Grima Wormtongue'' The men empty out their weapons

''Your staff'' Gandalf laughed ''You wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick, would you'' The man sighed, letting them through

Gandalf took Legolas arm, acting with his words ''The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late... Theoden King'' The man next to Theoden, whispered something in his ear ''Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow?'' his worlds were muttered out through the grey hairs of his bread

''A just question, my liege'' The younger man stood ''Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell, I name him. I'll news is an ill guest''

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