Chapter 2

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Shigaraki was confused on how he grew so fond of the brat so quickly. Maybe it was because the odd dreams he had the other night. He dreamt of his past again. He never liked when he had those reoccurring dreams, he always woke up in a cold sweat. But this time they were different, this time in place of himself it was the girl. It was odd and Shigaraki couldn't stop thinking about it.

"So... What do I call you guys?" Tori asked politely. Kurogiri was the first one to answer. "You may simply call me Kurogiri, Tori Hana," He said while washing the glass Tori had used for her orange juice once again. Tori had stayed for another night, a week in total, and she was starting to get comfortable in her new home but forgot to ask for her caretake's names. "Shigaraki." He simply muttered as he was still lost in thought.

He looked at the girl to see her smiling shyly. "Why are you looking all happy for? You have no idea where your parents are and your alone with two strange men that you know nothing about except for there names. What is there to smile about?" Shigaraki commented. Tori Hana kept on smiling, tears even started forming. "It's just, you guys are the nicest people I've met since I lost my memory. It was really scary being alone and now I'm with you and Kurogiri. But hopefully I get my memories back soon, I don't know how worried my family must be, you'll help me find them, right- er- Shigaraki?"

Shigaraki felt his heart sting. Maybe it was her family that left her alone in the first place, maybe she was unwanted, left alone to die on the streets. The thought made his head ache. "Yeah, sure." He simply answered, putting his hand on the back of his neck and avoiding the twinkling eyes of the girl. Her face brightened even more. "Thanks! That means a lot!" She gratefully said. Shigaraki looked at Kurogiri, uncertain of what to do to keep her from the possible harsh truth. Kurogiri looked down.

"Tori, how about you go and play in your room, I bought some toys for you to play with." Kurogiri suggested. Tori excitedly ran out of the bar and to Kurogiri's room.

"You bought toys and clothes for her before knowing she was staying." Shigaraki stated in a salty tone. Kurogiri shifted his eyes into a guilty expression. "I'm sorry, sir, I was just preparing for her to spend a couple nights until we straighten this whole thing out, I didn't buy much." Kurogiri explained in haste.


When Kurogiri said he bought a few toys, she didn't expect a whole Barbi dream house, including all the characters in it, a big stuffed bear, several Lego sets, educational children's flashcards, and to finnish it off five children's books. She felt overwhelmed, not know what to do first.


"The first thing we need to do is check if there are any missing children report that matches her." Shigaraki thought out loud. "Then, if no one is looking for her, we should see if we can even find this girl's real identity ourselves." Kurogiri nodded as Shigaraki explained him his plan. "What do we do with her after, Tomura Shigaraki?" He asked. Shigaraki thought for a moment. "I want to find out her situation first, what we really need to figure out is what to do with her in the meantime." He answered. They were both silent in thought.

"I don't want to deal with a weak and dumb brat, and I don't like babysitting, so we might have to enroll her into a school." Shigaraki said. "I can find a trainer so she can start getting physically ready for joining the Lueage, if she's staying, correct Tomura Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked. "Yes, but we'll save that for after we do our research on her. I'm also quite interested in what quirk she will have. Shall we also meet up with the doctor to make sure nothing is wrong with her physically? Even if we were to send her back to her family, I still want to make sure she's healthy in case she joins the Lueage in the future, who knows, maybe she'll get too sick of heros too?" Shigaraki said. Kurogiri nodded and bowed. Then he stepped out from behind the bar. "I shall organize these things for you, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri said as he warped himself out of the bar.

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