Khalil watched her with a satisfied look on his face. He couldn't remember the last time he saw his sister laughing carefree and happily and he was glad he made her happy. And has vow to for the rest of his life In Sha Allah.

"Haba Ya Khalil! the man will become scared of you and as it is you wouldn't want to make my husband become a handicap." She laughed.

"See this girl wai 'my husband' as if she wasn't the one who finished acting shy." He teased and the both of them laughed.

The clear of throat made them to stop laughing and turned their attention to the intruder. Ariana's heart churn when she saw her father standing. She gulped and hid herself behind Khalil's tall frame making the duo's attention to focus on her. Khalil shook his head in pity while Alhaji Malik felt guilty for torturing his daughter to the extent she hides when seeing him.

Ariana has already braced herself for the worst to happen. She shut her eyes closed anticipating a slap or lash but none came through so she slowly opened her eyes.

"Let's go Ariana." Khalil held her fragile hands in his so she nodded and slowly followed him her body shaking in fear. Alhaji Malik sighed and buried his face in his palms when they left the kitchen not knowing what to feel at that moment.

Khalil came into the house with a smile plastered on his lips his hands containing three huge paper bags. He did some shopping for Ariana and the twins. He bought them some nice clothes to wear. He noticed the ones they wear were all faded and torn and he was very sure his father noticed but wouldn't act due his mother's influence. He also bought some chocolates and toys for the twins to play with.

He headed straight to his room and kept the bags before calling out on Ariana and the twins, the twins giggled and hugged him when they came into view.

"Ya Khalil where were you? we've been looking for you." They rambled non stop.

"Okay, i'm sorry my munchkins, i bought something for you guys." He smiled and brought out all the things he bought.

"Ya Khalil you bought us toys?" The twins giggled.

"Yes babies! they are all yours enjoy." He smiled pinching their cheeks.

"Thank you Ya Khalil!we love you." They both said and hugged him.

"I love you more." He smiled patting their backs.

"Ya Khalil this is too much! thank you so much. May Allah bless you with more. Jazakallahu Khairan." Ariana smiled and Khalil drew her into a hug.

"Mama..." Ariana started.

"Do not worry about her keep them safe in your wardrobe okay?" He smiled.

"Okay." She smiled back.

Luckily, Hajiya Nusaiba and her minions had left for a wedding. So she hid the items in their wardrobe.

Ariana was ironing their uniform when Hajiya Nusaiba came in fuming with her girls tailing behind her. They all had the same expression on their faces.

"How dare that woman insults me like that! in front of all the people there!" She fumed like a tigress.

"Mama you're welcome." Ariana nervously said.

"Shut up! is it not because of your stupid dead mother she got insulted?!" Salma thundered.

Ariana shut her eyes closed. She can take anything but not insults at her mother. So, for the first time in her life she spoke back at them.

"You can say anything to me Ya Salma but never insult my mother again! what else do you want from her? she's dead and has left the world for you and even after this you won't allow her to be?" Ariana gritted, tears spurring from her eyes. Alhaji Malik came in at the exact moment and has heard all what Ariana said.

They all whipped their heads towards her shocked by how she got the audacity to retaliate when she's never done so.

"How dare you!" Salma seethed as she slapped Ariana hard across the face making her to let out a loud wince.

Hajiya Nusaiba stood up and dangerously moved closer to Ariana. She held her silky hair in her hands tightly making Ariana to wince before giving her another slap.

She grabbed the iron Ariana was using which was hot like coal before placing it on Ariana's upper arm making her to let out a loud shrill due to excessive pain. Safaa and Marwa cried as they watched their sister being tortured.

"Mama please stopi'm really sorry... please... ahhh.... Mamaaa." She cried as Hajiya Nusaiba pressed the iron which still plugged on the socket harder to her body.

"Abbi please help me..... .... i promise ..i won't do that again.... ahh.... wayyo Allah na.... i'm really sorry." She sobbed hard. Her fair skin had already turned red. The girls smirked enjoying while Alhaji Malik watched as his daughter was being tortured the hard way without saying anything.

"Mama, please let Ya Ariana go." The twins cried touching her feet. Hajiya Nusiba used her legs and aggressively pushed them away making their heads to hit a wall. Safaa's mouth started oozing out with blood.

Khalil who just came in and saw what was happening, forcefully yanked his mother away from an already weak Ariana and threw the iron on the floor. Ariana immediately fell unconscious in his arms.

He turned to them with red eyes almost scaring them out his muscled body tensed.

"Allah will avenge all this torture you're giving her one day wallahi! await that day! Allah is the one who never sleeps!Karma is real." He screeched before scooping Ariana in his arms and exited the parlor not before banging the door loudly.


Crossed Paths |✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz