The Grand Escape Plan

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When Clay came back to his hatchmates he gave a look of Worry and when the others noticed this they knew it had to be bad and then clay broke the news. "The..the Guardians, they plan to kill Glory!" He said keeping his worried look but there was anger there as well. Sunny hearing this grasped. "They wouldn't!" She said holding a tone with worry in it as well as she looked at the others. Tsunami just shook her head in disappointment and anger. "They most certainly would, they would do anything for the prophecy." She said cringeing and they all heard Glory speak and what she said they all disagreed with. "You dont have to get involved. It's my problem, not yours." She said to them as she had honestly said this because she didn't want everyone breaking their backs trying to help her but she was still happy they cared as much as they did.

Tsunami hadn't responded as she was thinking on the aspect of nobody could take down Kestrel and because she was chained up she couldn't do anything either and the one other person who could do something against Kestrel was out cold in the room across from them, they where all practically sitting Ducks. Clay looked at Tsunami and then he suggested the idea that Tsunami had brought up before. "Then let's escape, we dont really have many options and we need to do something quick because we dont have much time." He said with a look that held concern but deep Determination. Sunny hearing clay say this looked at him and repeated the word escape with a lost look. "If escape where as easy as you make it sound, we would have been gone a long time ago." As this was said a plan was already being constructed as everyone now had the idea of getting outside somehow and opening the entrance boulder from the other side. Tsunami sighed hearing this and then she spoke on the plans flew. "Easier said than done, there is no way for us to get outside." She said to the others and then Sunny began to try and suggest the skyhole but nobody was paying attention. She then attempted to suggest it again but the others still weren't paying attention, as they continued speaking Glory chimed in. "This is all very sweet, Guys..but you dont have to risk getting into trouble for me." She said before Tsunami spoke again. "Acting like a martyr isnt helping things." She said to Glory. "I'm not acting like a martyr. I'm just trying to make sure nobody gets themselves killed." She said as Tsunami spoke her insight. "Oh, but it's fine and jolly if you do." She said a bit aggravated at how Glory was basically wanting them to not worry about her and that wasn't an option.

"Who cares? I'm not even in the prophecy!" She said cringeing as she said this and Tsunami responded to what was said. "I swear I'll kill you myself." She said with a sarcastic sigh as Clay hearing the two go back and forth finally decided it was enough. "Glory look, she is saying that 'WE' care!" He then said to her solidifying the point Tsunami was trying to make. Sunny decided to try one more time and this time she yelled to get everyone's attention. "HEY GUYS! LISTEN! What about trying to use the skyhole? In the study room? We could fly up and just squeeze out!" She said finally triumphant in getting her idea out but to her surprise everyone accept for Clay had already tried it. Sunny hearing this sat where she was a bit disappointed but then she realized someone who could fit and she spoke on it. "Well..Issac probably hasn't tried! And we all watched him run up and on the wall in the fight against Morrowseer and he did it against Kestrel too! So I'm sure he could do it if we asked!" Sunny said with a smile and then Tsunami shook her head slightly. "That does sound like a good idea...but we should let him rest..hes done enough as it is and he also needs to heal as well." She said as the others gave a nod in agreement and Sunny also agreed with this as it was indeed true.

Clay then looked at Tsunami and then he asked her if she had any ideas as he knew Tsunami had to have some type of idea and to their luck, she did indeed have one but it was dangerous. "I do have and idea..but it's a dangerous one, it was supposed to be me." Clay put the pieces together and then he looked over at the river and Tsunami nodded to show he was right. Starflight hearing this idea and him not knowing where they would turn up at decided that it would be best for them to wait till morning and then him and Sunny can burn some scrolls so that they can successfully find their way back. Tsunami thought about this and then she looked at Starflight. "Then what is Glory supposed to do while we wait for the sun to come up? Kestrel is coming for her tonight." She said waiting for an answer.

Glory then Camouflaged her scales to a point where they made her appear invisible and then she spoke while invisible. "I'll be alright, the guardians dont know I can do this. I guess it was a good thing we never studied rainwings after all." She then said before speaking again. "You dont even need to risk the river Clay, I could just stay like this." She said and the Starflight spoke up. "For how long? Until you starve?" He said as Clay also spoke against this. "They are trying to KILL you. We have to get out." He said and Glory finally agreed. "All what you want, as long as it's not just for me." She said as she began to release her camouflage.

Clay then began to step into the river and once he was in he heard Starflight tell him to follow the current and Tsunami had also told him to be careful and he gave them a nod and then he looked over at Glory. "Glory, you should hide." He said to her as he did want anything to happen to her. Glory hearing clay say this walked over to him before speaking. "I'll never admit to saying this but, I never would have made it through the past six years without the four of you." She said to him and he replied back saying the same for himself.

Sunny also jumped in the water and told him that he Dare not die and he told her to stay safe and that he would be opening the entrance boulder before she knew it and with that he dived down into the river with Starflights words of wisdom being the last thing he heard before diveing. 'Dont panic..' he thought to himself as he swam through the river eventually seeing a hole and he tried to squeeze his way through and eventually he got through after a few times of forceing himself forward and then he continued to hold his breath as he swam through the the jagged path of the river tunnel.

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