Transfer Student

711 16 21

Trigger warning - Slurs and smut

Fundy harshly pushed himself up against a blue-tinted locker. He didn't make a sound, but his face made scrunched up in pain.

"Oh my God, I'm going to come!" Fundy announced as his legs gave out.

The others in the room looked at him with concerned looks. "Fundy, are you okay?" One of them dared to ask.

Fundy could only glance around at the people who eyed him. "I'm fine." Fundy crawled up the dark blue door and moaned softly.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant it like... Are you okay?! What the fuck is wrong with you?" The 'concerned' male yelled, his voice was full of disgust. Fundy smiled, his face was painted with pure satisfaction. "It was just a joke." He giggled. The other male didn't take too kindly to his words. "A joke? Uh-huh. You expect me and everyone else to believe that when you act like this all of the time."

Fundy dropped his smile, "Wait, I can't joke about sexual things like you guys do?" The male nodded his head, "Yeah, they are offensive and way too sexual for any of us."

"Well, I'm sorry." Fundy apologized, he was not being sincere with that apology either. They were fucking hypocrites.

Fundy opened up his locker, he started to separate his clothes. Then he began to undress.

"Did you hear about the gay guy who walked into the bar?" One guy snickered. A few others surrounding him also chuckled a bit. "He went up to the bartender and asked where the faggots are. The bartender pointed to the trash."

Fundy clenched onto his shirt, and they say they can't take his jokes? They say that his jokes are offensive.

See, hypocrites.

"It's funny because faggots that was what British and Irish, along with more had called a cigar." A husky voice coughed out of laughter. Fundy looked over at the male, he was doubled over, laughing hysterically.

Fundy starred at the laughing male, he was very handsome. Curly brown hair and a wide smile, hardy laugh.

The other guys looked at him and they were not laughing.

"Dude, this is a gay joke we are not talking about the UK." One male scoffed and rolled his eyes.

The male who was laughing stood up tall, his laughter died down and he wiped his eyes. He must have realized that what they were talking about was something mean. Fundy watched the curly-haired male turn around and face his locker.

Fundy shook his head and looked back at his locker. He undressed from his gym clothes and put on his uniform shirt. "Hey." He heard from the side of him but thought it was to somebody behind him. "Hello." Fundy felt a soft poke on his shoulder. Fundy tensed up. He looked over and it was the curly-haired dude. "Hey." Fundy smiled, confused why the make was talking to him in the first place. "I'll see you at home." Fundy nodded, letting himself calm down. Fundy hummed, "It's great to talk to you to Eret." Fundy rolled his eyes playfully, joking with the other male.

He knew him in the first place, but he didn't think that everyone had to know that.

They looked at each other for a few moments before breaking eye contact.

"What's going on between them?" Fundy blinked and turned his head away, so did Eret. He smiled discretely and pulled his pants on.

Fundy realized that Eret knew what the boys were joking about. He was just trying to change the direction of their conversation. Fundy glanced over at Eret quickly before going back into his thoughts.

Well, you see I... - Feret (One-Shots) [Requests Open]Where stories live. Discover now