* Can generate earthquakes up to a 2km radius

* Lava generation and manipulation


* While not able to survive off sunlight alone, Fili can get a boost of energy from being in the sun

     * Likewise, he gets tired more easily when in the dark

Spell casting

* Even though Fili's specialty is nature magic, he can cast spells based on other forms of magic. But nature-based spells are his strongest

Other Abilities

* Is immune to toxins, poisons, and venom

* Can release plant-based pheromones that induce an emotional response from those who inhale them

     * He normally does this to calm people down or to tranquillize them

SOMBRA Enhancements

* Gigantism

     * Fili suffered from gigantism as a child, which resulted in him growing at an alarming rate. This is why he is so large compared to the average human male

* Super-strength

     * Fili is five times stronger than the average person. After being captured by SOMBRA during season 3, this strength was increased to eight. This also led to his magical abilities becoming stronger, though this is a side effect

* Enhanced Healing

      * After SOMBRA captured and experimented on him, they managed to give him an enhanced healing ability. His cells regenerate extremely fast and so he can heal in half the time a normal human would. For example, he recovered from his bullet wound in just a few days after SOMBRA's experimenting


Born in Dublin, Ireland, Fili was raised not far from his mother's family farm. He has a lot of cousins on his mother's side, her being from a large family to the point where he's given up trying to remember who's a first cousin and who's a second or further cousin. He just calls everyone who's not an aunt or uncle his cousin and leaves it at that.

When he was young his parents noticed that he seemed to be growing alarmingly quickly and after consulting several doctors and specialists, Fili was diagnosed with a unique form of Gigantism. He suffered through painful growth spurts until scientists from MI6 developed a drug that slowed down his body's production of the growth hormone until his body was fully developed.

Because of his childhood gigantism, Fili suffers from back and joint pain. He manages it well but if he's had a particularly strenuous day, he'll be lucky if he can get out of bed the next day. He always carries a bottle of his prescription painkillers or some muscle relaxants on his bad days. He'll also take advantage of Adalet's heating/cooling abilities when she offers, nothing's more relaxing than a perfectly controlled hot or cold massage.

He joined MI6 after he finished university when he was in his early twenties and was a travelling agent, going wherever a mission took him. After sustaining some minor injuries on a mission, he was ordered to take a couple of years of leave to rest and recover. During this time he moved to Grimsborough and opened his florist shop, The Lucky Clover.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 1

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