When he returned to the Bureau after the Africa Region, Fili now wore light-washed jeans and brown work boots, a green button-up with the sleeves rolled past his elbows and left open to reveal his yellow shirt and a brown belt with a small matching bag attached to it that hung against his right hip. He'd revamped his vine accessories with the green ropes wrapped around his forearms with tiny yellow woodsorrel growing on them. He had also made himself a matching vine necklace, and a small sunflower grew from the centre with two little red tulips framing it.

He is the proud owner of an Irish Wolfhound named Dean. Fili loves his dog and isn't shy about spoiling him from time to time.

In his suspect appearance in Jolly Old Killer, it is discovered that Fili knows how to use a gun and chews bubble gum.

After getting married a gold wedding band can be seen on his left ring finger.

In his suspect appearance in Stonehearted, it is discovered that Fili eats Turkish Delights, is superstitious, and has watched Battle Star Wars. He also takes to weaning vines wrapped around his hands and wrists like a hand harness bracelet after the team discovers he's a Mage.

Powers and Abilities

Magic (Ecomancy/Nature Magic)

* Can create any plant he is familiar with and it will have all the properties of an organic version of the plant

     * He can grow plants directly out of the ground or from his body. However, if he grows it out of his skin, it hurts slightly when he cuts it off, like the equivalent of a papercut or needle prick. Thankfully the pain disappears almost instantly

* Can grow food-bearing plants like apple trees or potatoes, he isn't just limited to inedible plants

     * This also applies to poisonous plants like hemlock

     * Or medicinal plants like aloe

     * And carnivorous plants

          * ... Really as long as it's not extinct he can probably grow it

* Can grow plants in any environment even if the plant is not native to it. Such as growing a cactus in the arctic

* Can create modified or hybrid versions of plants, such as roses that smell like lavender or tulips the size of sunflowers

* Able to grow vines as strong as steel that can support thousands of pounds

* He can communicate with plants and look into their "memories" of recent events

     * Can also use plants as a form of surveillance system. It's why he places plants strategically around his home/work to help him watch for intruders

* Is capable of manipulating/controlling a plant's growth from the smallest blade of grass to the largest tree

* His plants can survive for an indefinite amount of time. The only way they'll die is if they are cut, burned, or he reverts their growth

* His plants are also somewhat an extension of himself, so when damage is done to them he feels the pain

     * He doesn't sustain any lasting damage or injuries except for phantom pains for a little while. The longest the pain has ever lasted was just over a day after his uncle cut down a tree he had grown not knowing it was one of Fili's. Quinn tore a strip off of her brother after hearing her son scream bloody murder and made her family promise to check with Fili before cutting down any more trees

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