Chapter 1: I Get A Reminder That The Fates Are Cruel *EDITED*

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Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus books or any of the characters in them! 

Chapter 1

Percy POV

I stop at the top of the hill at Thalia's pine tree and look down at camp. I'm fingering a tiny ring made of celestial bronze, imperial gold, and stygian iron webs intertwining. At the top, a diamond with emeralds around its base. I had just gotten back from a two-year quest that Lady Athena sent me on to get her permission to propose to her daughter. That's right. I am going to go down there, find Annabeth, and propose. Not even my idiot half-brother, Andrew, can stop me. When I left for the quest, it had just been over 6 months since the giant war. Camp Half-Blood was in reconstruction, so no one really talked much. I have barely gotten to see Annabeth in 2 ½ years. Anyways, while I was on the last of the 12 Labors of Heracles, Lady Athena had Lord Hephaestus made me a ring. I was ecstatic. I haven't even talked to Annabeth in two years. Only Chiron and Annabeth's half-brother, Malcolm, knew where I was and what I was doing. Athena had told Annabeth that I had gone on a quest and would not be back for a while.

I walk down the hill with my head held high. You see, about a week before I left, I was on patrol around the barrier.


I heard a scream coming from Half-Blood Hill. I uncapped Riptide and ran to Thalia's Tree. There, I saw a kid maybe about 15 years old wielding a small celestial bronze dagger. He was on his back, swinging wildly at five dracaena surrounding him. I yelled at the snake-women and they immediately turned and started attacking me. One stabbed her spear at my abdomen and I side-stepped and let her momentum run my sword through her. She burst into dust. I felt a tickle on my back and stabbed behind me. I felt monster dust go down my shirt. A dracaena came swinging widely from my side, I simply leaned back and tripped her. She fell and impaled herself on her own blade. Three down, two to go. They were both trying to get the kid. I simply stabbed them in the back, literally. A second after that, all the campers who had woken up because of the scream were at the top of the barrier. The kid said," My name is Andrew Rivers. I defeated ten dracaena while this kid just stood by and laughed."

"Wait, ten? There were only five. I defeated them for you. While you lay on the ground."

"No, I did, stop trying to get all the credit."

Right after he said that there was a faint sea-green glow over his head. In the shape of a trident.

Chiron and the rest of the campers (except me) bowed and said "All hail Andrew Rivers, Son of Poseidon."

Andrew noticed and said, "why aren't you bowing? Bow to your savior! I saved your sorry butt"

I replied," really, everyone, you can't believe him!" All the campers gave me looks of distaste. All but Clarisse, Will, Connor and Travis, Chiron, Malcolm, and Annabeth. Annabeth did have a sad look in her eyes, though.

The next week was horrible, Andrew kept spreading rumors about me, and everyone who didn't know better believed him. Annabeth also started to drift away from me. About a month after Andrew came to camp, Athena came to me with a quest. She said that if I ever wanted to marry her daughter, I had to complete the 12 Labors of Heracles. I told her that I would like to start tomorrow. She said OK, and that I could tell two people. I told Chiron and Malcolm, then left.

Flashback End

Now I am here, walking to the Athena cabin to ask Malcolm where Annabeth is. When I knock and he sees me, he pales.

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