Chapter 4 {RE}

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3rd person POV

"But mates are a thing of the pass I thought they didn't exist anymore" Lucian looked up at Silas and saw he wasn't looking at him. He turned to the direction Silas eyes were watching and saw his dad walking towards them with an angry expression on his face.

Lucian mentally thanked the God's. He felt relieved. "Let go of my son, you imbecile" Gabriel proceeded to grab his son from Ace, but before his hand could reach him Ace turned around and Azalea went in front of Gabriel blocking him.

"Get out of my way and hand me my child this instance" Gabriel yelled creating a commotion as most of the guests reverted their gazes to the scene occurring. "Calm down Mr. Sunshine he's our mate we have every right to touch him" Damon walked infront Gabriel and folded his hands.

"What he can't be your mate. How?.....Lucian are they your mate's" Gabriel tried to push his way towards his son but to no avail. "I don't know, how do you know if someone is your mate" Lucian panicked not knowing what to do.

"Do you feel a connection to them, something new that you've never felt before a feeling that you want to greatly resist but you can't" his father explained. Lucian feared his father's words, because he does feel a connection as much as he dosen't want to. "Y-ye-yes" Lucian stuttered.

Gabriel didn't know what to do, their his mates and they have every right to touch him. Although only when a being turns 18 then is when they can truly and freely without any circumstances accept their mate/mate's and if they desire to live with or be with their mate/s until then the mate who is under 18 will have to remain under the protection of their guardian. Lucian is just 17 but, Gabriel know's his son mates and they wouldn't let him go. The only way to protect his son is by having a battle, him against all 4 of them, the chances of him winning are slim to none.

But he loves his son too much to not fight for him. "I challenge you to battle" Gabriel backed away from Damon and fixed his stance as his aura seeped of energy. Gasps were heard from the crowd. Suddenly a goddess appeared "Hello Gabriel I know why you would have called me, but are you sure you want to do this" the goddess who can be identified as the moon goddess said. "I'm sure" he responded trying his best to sound composed.

"Silas, Azalea, Damon, and Ace, do you agree to the battle as well" the moon goddess turned to look at them. "Yes we do" Ace let go of Lucian and him along with Damon, Silas and Azalea stood next to each other before Gabriel.

With one swift movement of her hands the goddess cleared out the roof of the gala and made a large clear platform where Gabriel and Lucians mates were teleported onto. A protection shield was then created around this platform.

"Begin" the moon goddess flew up to the moon viewing the battle from up there. "Ready Gabriel" Azalea chuckled darkly as he filled the dome shaped platform with black smoke. Gabriel didn't mind as his eyes had Sunshine in them allowing him to see in blurry dome. Using his Dracula speed Silas ran up to Gabriel in the flash of a millisecond and threw him onto the floor of the dome. Raising from the floor Damon's hands siphoned emerald black flowing energy from his body, with a swift movement of a hand large chains made there way through the floor tying Gabriel down, restricting him.

Gabriel's eyes then became pure golden and shone brightly and his breathing became unsteady. He channeled sunshine throughout his body before creating a huge explosion, breaking apart the chains. Without a second to spare he transformed into his Angelic form and dashed towards Ace with a light sphere in his hands.

Ace reacted quickly, summoning the flame of the ancient fire dragon, his body levitating into the air as raging Inferno blazed around him. The scarlet red flames speed matched that of Gabriel's and once collided at the middle, a huge explosion was occurred, the dome became opaque preventing anyone from seeing inside. As the residue cleared up and inside the platform was visible again Gabriel was seen on the ground with a bruised face and slightly scorched wings. His eyes were closed but his chest heaved rapidly, as a result of him having a struggle breathing.

Below the platform, Lucian could be seen in the arms of his mother, his eyes running a river. He looked scruffy and pink from all the stress and him rubbing his face.

The moon goddess once again appeared, she flew towards the platform and made it disappear. Gabriel along with Lucians mates landed softly on the solid ground. Before she could heal Michael, Lucian ran up to his father holding him in his hands crying. He proceeded using his healing abilities to help mend his fathers bruises. A few seconds past by and Gabriel's eyes pry open, he looked up at his son smiling and returned the hug as Lucian buried his face in his father's neck.

"Sorry to interrupt this lovely moment Gabriel but you've lost the battle and Lucians mates have the authority to take him if they please" the moon goddess looked down before flying away back to the moon. At that exact moment Ace walked up to the son and father who were sharing a moment and grabbed Lucian by the hand "Time to go" he spoke in a voice that left no room for negotiation.


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