Chapter 1 | Ausländer?

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Richards POV.

I woke up in a state, hitting my head hard off of the bunk roof. "Oh, fuck me. Idiot." I said to myself when out of nowhere I heard a slight chuckle from someone. Pulling back the curtain to my bunk, I stuck my head out to be met with his face, smiling at me. "What happened this time Reesh?" Paul asked, leaning over into his bunk (which was at the bottom so he could reach it) and started fussing with his bed sheets. "... Bad dream, I woke up suddenly and hit my head... Fuck, I might need some aspirin after that." This just made Paul laugh a little more. As much pain as I was in I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "Go away Paul, next time you get hurt I'll just laugh at you." Paul finished making his bed and looked over at me, almost with a sassy look, "We know that won't happen Reesh, you know you care about me too much."
"Hmmm no. No, I don't think I do. I care about the band. I don't want a 20-year streak of the same Rammstein members to be ruined because the rhythm guitarist died doing something stupid." After I said this, obviously joking, Paul just shook his head and smiled, leaning back into his bed. I watched him for a moment. I'm not going to lie, the idea of slapping his ass came into my mind, multiple times, I mean it was in a prime spot. But not for any reason other than I could hurt him then leave. But is that even more weird? Spanking someone technically for my own pleasure... Ok, worded like that, yes that is weird.

While thinking of these things I hadn't realised I was still staring at Paul's ass. Well, I didn't realise until he clapped and I snapped my head up, feeling slightly embarrassed and my checks went a little red. He just smiled again, "Listen, I know my ass is good, you don't need to tell me. I don't know why everyone goes mad for yours and not mine. Quite frankly, rude."
I chuckled, "Okay Paul, keep telling yourself yours is better." I say this while also leaning into my bunk and starting to make my bunk bed. I straightened the pillows, re-adjusted my sheet on the thin mattress, and then fixed my duvet to be sat straight as well. My bunk was always the cleanest. I didn't really hoard anything in here like the others did with their bunks. For example, Paul and Schneider, they both tend to hoard food in their bunks; they think no one knows, but we do. They keep it there to 'keep it safe so it doesn't get eaten' not very safe when we know, but that's that. And I only know this because I heard them discussing it, very sneaky. Till hoards note books. Flake hoards books in general. And I always make my bed when the others don't and it starts the day well. Speaking of actually, I turn to Paul, who's now just stood checking his phone, "Why did you make your bed? It's not like you."
Paul shrugged, "Maybe I wanted to take a note out of the over dramatic, over tidy Richard Z K and be productive today." He mocked me slightly and I laughed, "Ok, ok fine. Make fun of my organisation but if it weren't for me telling you what we had to do you'd be lost half the day."
"Yea, I know. That's why I deal with your crap, because I need a walking, talking - well maybe not talking so much sometimes - calendar timetable person." He smiled at me. "Okay then it's settled, no more talking about my organisation since you know you need it." I laughed. "Hmmmm no still going to complain about it but now you know I'm just joking so you can chill you stress head." Paul smiled big again and laughed a little. I just shuck my head while smiling to let him know I wasn't mad or anything.

I began to walk out of the bunk room, since I was done in there, Paul stopped me. "Speaking of me knowing what we're doing. Today we're in Russia, right?" I nodded, even when he "knows" he still needs to check with me. "Right, and Russia has a anti LGBTQ+ thing going or something like that. I'm confused by it but it's something to do with gay propaganda not being shown." I nodded, thinking I'd heard of something like that before somewhere. "Okay, well I was thinking, because we support the people in that group," I nodded again and leaned against a bunk, seeing this could take a small while, "Well.. maybe we could do something on stage to show our support. Think of it, I mean we're Rammstein, what are they going to do if we do something small on stage. Lock us up? We can bail out. Give us a fine? We can pay it. If we could do something for the LGBTQ+ community, I think that'd be nice... Don't you?" I thought about what he was saying as he went on, and he's got a point. And after all, a band that you look up to showing clear support might just make someones day or week in this situation. "Okay, yea that sounds like a nice plan." Paul smiled again, this time it was an obvious happy and excited smile. "Really? Yes, this will be cool and supportive, it'll be nice."
"I agree. So, what did you have in mind for this thing?" I asked now repositioning myself so I was sat in the bunk, it was Oliver's but he never makes his so he won't even know I've been here. Oliver's bunk was across from Paul's just one higher up so when Paul sat on his bunk I could still see him and noticed he was turning slightly embarrassed over something. "Well... I don't know. I can only think of one thing but that's weird. You have any ideas?"
I shook my head, "Ah ah ah, now this is your idea in the first place. Please, tell me what you have in mind." Paul re-positioned himself in an obvious uncomfortable way. It wasn't my intention to make him uncomfortable. Maybe it wasn't me, maybe it was the idea but either way for a second I did feel bad for him feeling this way. "I was thinking, maybe, we could... kiss? Just like, a little one. Doesn't have to be big or or a proper kiss even just something small. Maybe, but it's just an idea for now, we've got all day to think." As he's rambling, which even I have to admit is kind of cute in a way. He rarely ever gets this flustered and usually has a good idea of words, as do all of us members, but it's obvious when he's really nervous. "Well, it doesn't particularly sound like a bad idea to me." He looked up at me, almost curiously, so I continued, "Like you said, it can just be a little peck. We don't have to fully make out on stage and we're already good friends." I laughed at the thought and so did Paul, loosening up a little. "So, you think that's a good idea?"
"Yea, it's a good idea. It will have a good reaction to, well from audience maybe not Russian government." I smiled again and so did he. Paul stood out of his bunk and came over to sit next to me, "Ok, then it's settled. We will kiss tonight to support our LGBTQ+ fans and friends." He said the last part in a sort of accent sounding like an old solider going into battle. I chuckled at his oddness before getting off the bunk, "Ok, that is settled and that we shall do." I said, copying his voice.

Paul smiled, got up and turned around, leaving thebunk area, saying he'd tell the other guys this was going to happen, and toldme to think of when we should do it. I don't know when though honestly, maybeafter Ausländer? It has a little ending to it so we could do it there then gostraight into Du Riechst So Gut? I'll have to ask him in a little bit. Now,thinking of this, I actually started to imagine it... What I think it'd feellike. Physically, his lips on mine. And emotionally, how close I feel to himalready strengthened by this show of support, but really I almost feel a senseof guilt. Because it's no longer just supporting people, but I want to kissPaul now. I need to know if it actually will feel this good as in my mind. Ican't stop thinking about it and I feel anxious in a way. Anxious for the dayto pass, to get to the show part. To start Ausländer, finish it and be so closeto him. This is another time I don't realise I'm staring into nothing, a bitlike staring at Paul's ass but this time I snap myself out of it. This isnothing. Paul is my band mate and probably my best friend, I don't need to befeeling all of a sudden weird towards him. This is a small kiss between friendsto show support to unsupported fans. Nothing more, nothing less.

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