A new face

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You walked into your usual café, being so well know there by the baristas that they have your order etched into their brains. You went there every morning, being familiar with the staff and surroundings, and even being acquainted with a few of the other regular customers. The café has been your favourite part of your morning routine for roughly 4 years now, and you knew it like the back of your hand.

However, today was slightly different than other days. In front of you, waiting for her drink to be served was a girl you had never seen before. Sure, new customers come and go, you're no stranger to new faces, but this one was different.

Her aura was immense, and you found yourself being drawn to her even though you had not even seen her face, merely looking at her back was enough to have you entranced. Her hair was long and blonde, slightly wavy but that could've been due to the wind. She was wearing blue jeans that hugged her perfectly, and a long brown coat that went down to her knees. Her black YSL bag was hanging from her shoulder, and you couldn't help but stare as her outfit drew you in. Sadly her drink was given to her before yours, so you didn't get to see her face, but at least you got her name: Rosé.

Days passed, and you waited to see the new 'mysterious' customer, but she never came. You worried that she was simply a 'one off' customer, and that you'd never see her again. You figured she wasn't from your town, until one Saturday, while you were sitting in your normal spot doing your homework on your laptop, you hear the bell chime letting you and the staff know that a customer has walked in. You thought nothing of it until you hear the voice you heard that one day muttering a quick 'thank you' when receiving her coffee.

"Could I have an iced latte please"

You couldn't help but stare at the girl, still not fully getting to see her face, but her voice was one that did something to your soul, and you couldn't help but want to get to know more. Her voice was sweet and kind, one that you could get used to hearing all the time.

You zoned out, contemplating how to get closer to the girl, that you didn't realise that she began walking towards you, and you certainly didn't notice  that she was now standing right in front of you, trying to get you attention.

"Excuse me, I noticed you were sitting alone, would you like some company?", the mysterious girl said to you, with a smile on her face as she had noticed your staring while she was waiting for her drink.

" I'm sorry, I zoned out, what did you ask?", you replied with a slight blush on your face from embarrassment, as you were practically caught daydreaming about the girl currently stood in front of you.

" I just asked if you wanted company"

"Sure", and so the new girl joined you as you put away your laptop so that she could have room on the table. You two sat there for hours without realising, learning her name and her learning yours; exchanging stories and eventually trading numbers.

Thus began your story, with a girl that eventually became the love of your life, and you forever thanked her for not being as cowardly as you, and for making the first move that you knew you wouldn't have been able to do.

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