Chapter 2

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Grian jumped up 

The first thing he noticed was, that he was in his room and his alarm clock next to his bed was ringing loudly, telling him to get ready for school.

School, that's a word grian doesn't really like. He isn't very popular. He's just the smart kid in class. 

He doesn't mind being unpopular, but he has a crush on one of the more popular kids, mumbo jumbo. Mumbo is a student with top grades and he is in some tech team, wich makes him really popular. 

Your probably thinking: "why makes him being in a tech team so popular?" 

Well ist actually really simple: it's tech and since most of the kids don't understand anything, they think it's cool. Just like grian he doesn't know anything about the tech they are using, which happened to be red stone, something he never understood.

Grian sights, he has to get ready or he will be late for school.

Looking at the time he notices he doesn't have much time left.

*let's just pretend he's ready to go, cause I am lazy and my phone has 2% battery*

"Bye pearl" he screamed to his little sister before grabbing his backpack opening the door and running off to school.

 "Close the door" pearl screamed at him

Pearl looked at the open door and at her brother running off while making a bet with herself if Grian gets to school on time or not. 

(Sry but I had to make pearl appear in this chapter. Also this is now Grians POV again)

Running on the sidewalk to the school isn't fun. And if you are late with a teacher who gets mad really easy. Well that's even worse than missing the bus and having to walk to school. 

He was running without looking where he was going, he didn't need to, he knew the way to school well.

Suddenly he bumped into someone and fell to the ground 


My notes: 

Well another chapter. sry I had to write this in like 5 min so badly written and yea. Also he didn't mention his dream and I had a reason for it. 

Oki bye for now 

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