Ivy closed her eyes and threw her head back as she tapped her foot lightly against the floor.

"Okay. Two hundred, please. Stand back. Three, two, one. Clear!" the doctor shouted, giving him another shock. "Give me epinephrine! Pulse?"


"Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me" Natasha pleaded softly and Steve squeezed her hand. Ivy turned around and moved a few steps away as they announced Nick's Furys time of death. She couldn't believe Nick Fury was dead.


Ivy wiped the blood off her hands and let the water ran while looking in the mirror. She had traces of blood on her face and hair. A small bruise was visible on the spot where she had hit her head against the window pane. Her clothes were also smeared with blood. She tried to block out the stench of the blood, as it would probably make her throw up.

She splashed the cold water on her face and wiped the blood from her face. Ivy turned the water off and propped herself against the small sink in one of the hospital's restrooms. Her hand reached into her pants pocket, from which she pulled out the small flash drive. Steve hadn't realized how she had stolen it. She didn't want him to have it. Fury had been killed because of the information on the flash drive and she didn't want to put Steve in that kind of danger.

Steve was with Natasha at Fury's body to say goodbye. Ivy had felt out of place and so had preferred to go to the bathroom to wipe the blood from her face and hands. She looked like she had killed someone.

Ivy heard the door to the restroom open and saw Natasha stand behind her through the mirror. "Why was Fury in Steve's apartment?" she asked seriously, and Ivy raised an eyebrow. She'd reacted quickly enough when she'd heard the door open and had jammed the flash drive under the sink.

"Have you asked Steve that yet?" asked Ivy, peering at Natasha through the mirror. "Cut the crap, Ivy. You were at Steve's apartment with Fury when Steve came home. The blood was on you before the three shots were fired" Natasha replied, stepping closer to her.

"You're blaming me?" asked Ivy, turning around to look Natasha straight in the eye. There was maybe a good yard between them, but Ivy kept the neutral expression on her face.

"No, but I think you know something" Natasha replied and Ivy took a step towards her. "I don't know any more than you do. Fury was at my front door all of a sudden and I helped him in and got blood all over me. A few minutes later Steve broke in through the window and after that we know how the story goes on" Ivy lied without batting an eye. Natasha looked at her closely and seemed to analyze her and find a clue that she was lying.

"I don't think this conversation is getting us anywhere" said Ivy, after which nothing more came from Natasha's side. Ivy walked past Natasha and started walking toward the door.

"Shield wants you to go to the headquarters with Steve" Natasha told her and Ivy turned around to her. "Okay," she said, nodding. "And Ivy," Natasha said before she could leave the room. "Please be as convincing as you were just now."


"I don't have a good feeling about this," Ivy muttered as she took off her motorcycle helmet and looked at Shield's headquarters in front of her. Natasha's words rang through her head as she did so. "Be as convincing as you were now." She hadn't bought her lie. She knew Ivy had lied, but she had advised her to lie to Shield as well. Natasha knew her to some extent and was one of Shield's best agents, of course she had seen through Ivy's lie. Whoever Ivy would talk to, though, would buy her lie. She hoped they would.

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