Chapter 17

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Don't mess with Peggy

The relationship between siblings is really something special. One minute you could annoy each other to death, throw things at each other, and yell at each other. But as soon as someone says something against your sibling, that person should hide very well. You practically live by the 'nobody hurts my sibling but me' rule. So when it comes down to it, you have someone on your side.

Howard and Ivy had only each other since they were little. Howard was the only family Ivy had and needed. He was her humanity, her anchor, and Ivy was Howard's soul, the gentle part of him. He was so afraid of losing her that sometimes he reacted like an ass. He didn't do it to destroy her life, though, but to protect her.

"La la la LA! I DON'T HEAR YOU!" Howard screamed, covering his ears. He had also finally learned of Ivy's plan, correction, suicide mission. And as you could guess, he wasn't a big fan of it.

"I said-" Ivy repeated loudly, trying to remove Howard's hands from his ear. It got to the point where she climbed on his back and in that position tried to get Howard's hands off his ears. Howard tried to shake her off, but Ivy clung to him like a monkey. If someone came into his lab, it would be very uncomfortable for either of them.

"It's my decision" she spoke directly into his ear as she tugged his one hand away. Howard tripped over one of his tools lying around and fell to the floor with Ivy on his back. Ivy had always said it out loud that one day he would end up on the floor because of his messiness, however she had not expected to fall with him.

Both siblings landed on the floor and were separated from each other. Ivy hit her head on the ground and closed her eyes as she felt the pain coursing through her head. Her legs were on Howard's chest while his arm was halfway across her face. She pushed his hand out of her face and kicked Howard lightly in the stomach with one leg.

"Why?" he gasped, holding his stomach. Ivy looked at him bristling and straightened up.

"I told you not to leave your stuff lying around on the floor" she reminded him.

"And I'm telling you that joining Steve's little boy band is a suicide mission" Howard retorted, also straightening into a sitting position.

"Why can't you trust me with anything?!" Ivy yelled, jumping to her feet, Howard doing the same.

"I never said that!" he defended himself, and Ivy scoffed indignantly.

"Every time I want to do something good, you won't let me! All I want to do is -.... I -..." Ivy buried her face in her hands in frustration and turned away from Howard. "I just want to do something good.... I want to be good..." Ivy whispered dejectedly. Howard scratched his temple and exhaled heavily before stepping
in front of Ivy and removing her hands from her face.

"You're good... You're better than good... You're the best person I know" he said. Ivy heard his voice, but did not perceive his words. She shook her head with tears in her eyes.

"I'm not good-" she whispered in a choked voice. "I hurt people... I can kill them-"

"Bullshit!" Howard objected  immediately. "You're Ivy Stark, you're afraid to kill a little spider" he said with a smile. Ivy actually felt sorry for the little animals and didn't dare to hurt them in any way.

"No, I'm not! I want to be Ivy Stark, but at the end of the day, I'm still Nivia. I'm-"

"My little sister," Howard interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. "Who is my compass and keeps me from doing stupid things. Of course, I don't always manage to read the compass correctly, but it's my fault, not yours. I always try to do the right thing... Protect you... But in doing so, I often forget that you're not a little kid anymore" Howard admitted with a wry smile. "You're a grown woman who can take care of herself and knows what's best for her. So if you want to join Steve's boy band..." Howard exhaled heavily. He would definitely regret those words at some point. "Then I'm your backup."

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